Okay, got one yesterday. The plastic of the frisbee itself is very sturdy, like any other frisbee. The switch to turn the LEDs on is a cheap toggle switch, I get a bit of flicker when I turn it on until I smack the thing a couple times. I got the blue one and the LEDs put out a nice deep blue color, not as bright as regular blue LEDs though. The wiring connecting the battery to the LEDs is exposed but secured in place by two plastic ridges which run from the center to the edge. The thing probably wouldn't survive an accidental dunking in the water and I wouldn't even suggest playing in light rain. The thing does look friggin' cool at night though, reminds me of those disc things in TRON. I'm not going to leave the thing on to see what kind of run time it gets, but I am keeping track of how long I play w/ it and will let you all know when the battery finally dies.