order your surefire 2008 catalog today

Re: surefire catalogs

Thanks for the heads up, iveseenthelite. Was on the SF website a day or two ago, and it wasn't available then, so it must really be "hot off the presses!"
surefire has enabled their paper catalog request form
I just ordered mine today:)

mods, if this is a double thread by all means delete it :thanks:
They wont ship the internationally though:( and the (only) NZ surefire dealer still has the 2006 catalogues listed!
There's something about sitting down and thumbing through an actual book that is so much nicer than reading it off the screen.

Also the page layout is just a bit odd in the PDF, where images overlap across the center.
Re: surefire catalogs

Just "ordered" both yesterday afternoon. Can't wait! These will be my first hard-copy Surefire catalogs!