Our future youth hard at work


Oct 12, 2007

His grandmother has a nice done up SUV.

He needs to be beaten within an inch of his life, just like in my day. Too bad child services would then say it's child abuse and lock up the parents. Then again who buys their kid GTA at 7. Terrible parents.

People should be evaluated before being allowed to have kids. Just like with driver licenses.
His grandmother has a nice done up SUV.

He needs to be beaten within an inch of his life, just like in my day. Too bad child services would then say it's child abuse and lock up the parents. Then again who buys their kid GTA at 7. Terrible parents.

People should be evaluated before being allowed to have kids. Just like with driver licenses.

Anyone else here think the gene pool could use alittle more chlorine?
He needs to be beaten within an inch of his life, just like in my day. Too bad child services would then say it's child abuse and lock up the parents. Then again who buys their kid GTA at 7. Terrible parents.

People should be evaluated before being allowed to have kids. Just like with driver licenses.

It is child abuse. My sister in-law works for Child Protective Services. I don't know how many times she's called my sister to tell her about yet another baby shaken to death.

You don't have to beat your children to be a good parent.

Requiring some sort of evaluation before allowing people to have children is the first step in eugenics. Reproductive freedom is a basic human right.
I'm just glad that the useless mother will have to pay for the damaged vehicles. In the UK those poor people wouldn't get a penny...
I think he needs to eat some nice hot whoopass soup with fresh yourgrounded on the side.

Geez, a friggin 2nd grader! Wait until he is in 5th.
You don't have to beat your children to be a good parent.

OTOH, "spare the rod, spoil the child"

Requiring some sort of evaluation before allowing people to have children is the first step in eugenics. Reproductive freedom is a basic human right.

IME, far too often, it IS the stupid, unfit, morally bankrupt, etal members of society who are wantonly exercising their "reproductive freedom"...

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There's no doubt the child lacked discipline and supervision. But beating children is wrong.

And then there's "be fruitful and multiply", from Genesis 1:22, 1:28, 8:17, 9:1, 9:7 and 35:11.

Wrong according to who? A child cannot always be reasoned with, because their brain is not completely developed to have full logic capability. In order to correct their behavior it is NECESSARY to do it if verbal correction fails.
Wrong according to who? A child cannot always be reasoned with, because their brain is not completely developed to have full logic capability. In order to correct their behavior it is NECESSARY to do it if verbal correction fails.

Well stated.
Wrong according to who? A child cannot always be reasoned with, because their brain is not completely developed to have full logic capability. In order to correct their behavior it is NECESSARY to do it if verbal correction fails.

Doing serious bodily harm to a child is necessary?

The problem is that the parent wasn't consistent in the child's formative years. "No" became "Yes, because I give up." Parents keep counting to 10 while their children misbehave at Wal-Mart and instead of getting to 10 and then taking the child home, they keep restarting their count with "Billy, are you listening? I'm counting to 10! One, two, three-- Billy, I'm counting to 10! One, two--".

Parents don't enforce consistent bed times and waking times. They don't control what their children eat. They don't make their children do even the most basic of chores, and when they do they put up with their kids' incessant whining about how it's not fair that they have to roll the trash container out the the curb in the morning and then push it back to the side of the house when they get home from school.

And then these parents are surprised when at seven years old their kids have discovered (through logic) that there really aren't any consequences to their actions. At that time, the worst of parents result in beating their children. Not a spanking, not a single swat to the rear (and even that is wrong, as it only teaches children that might makes right, which again, would be a logical conclusion for them), but an all-out full-blown beating.

These children end up crippled (either physically, emotionally, or both) or they end up dead.

Children learn what they are taught. If you want to teach them German when they are young, speak German to them while they are young. If you want to teach them that discipline and chores are necessary, give them discipline and chores. If you want to teach them that it's OK to bully people, to hurt those weaker than themselves, and that one must obey without question those who are stronger than themselves, by all means beat your children.
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**Qualifying statement: I'm not a parent

There is a fine line between appropriate and excessive force in physical repremandation. No matter what methodology a parent ascribes to (but particularly wrt corporal punishment), punishment probably shouldn't be meted out in anger. IMO, the reason for the disciplinary action would ideally be explained to the child (even if they couldn't fully understand it yet). I agree that non-corporal methods can work, although in my experience they are often- as you indicated, Alaric- not properly enforced.

If one's looking for anecdotal evidence to support any point of view on child rearing they'll probably find it; there's just too many variables involved in raising a child to come to a difinitive conclusion. :shrug:

Anyways, with regards to the child in the video, that's just sad. I hope he does get the help he needs.
Not a spanking, not a single swat to the rear (and even that is wrong, as it only teaches children that might makes right...

Children learn what they are taught. If you want to teach them German when they are young, speak German to them while they are young. If you want to teach them that discipline and chores are necessary, give them discipline and chores. If you want to teach them that it's OK to bully people, to hurt those weaker than themselves, and that one must obey without question those who are stronger than themselves, by all means beat your children.
Lots of good stuff in your post but some of it, although well-intentioned tends to draw some mistaken conclusions. Children do learn what they are taught, but it is not whether you spank a child, but more the manner in which it is done. Properly applied it teaches what cannot be taught with words alone, that actions carry consequences and that life can be painful (more painful than a spanking even) and that the same adults who are there to help protect them and show them how to become properly functioning and caring adults are the same ones who have the responsibility to show them what pain is, in a manner that does not damage them. If humans did not physically punish their offspring in a non-injury inducing manner, they would be some of the only mammals not to do so.
Wrong according to who? A child cannot always be reasoned with, because their brain is not completely developed to have full logic capability. In order to correct their behavior it is NECESSARY to do it if verbal correction fails.

Most people who work with kids a lot. The shelter I worked at (battered women) absolutely forbade any physical punishment.
A lot of these kids had been slapped, spanked and beaten all their lives and most were well under ten.
Timeouts *always* worked better and the kids tended to calm down rapidly. They also would admit when they deserved it and if asked always assigned longer times than the parent would.
As for brain development
This is the sort of generalization and hype that get anti-spank laws passed and people are no longer allowed to discipline their kids.

Oklahoma has laws against child abuse, but no "anti-spank" law. And an anti-spank law would just disallow parents from using corporal punishment to discipline their kids. It in no way disallows parents to discipline children. (Read: Children can be disciplined without getting spanked.)