Over-hyped L.E.D. flashlight description...... Nah..... They wouldn't do that !!!


Aug 20, 2002
Over-hyped L.E.D. flashlight description...... Nah..... They wouldn\'t do that !!!

Hmmmm.....let's dissect the description of the Collimator Light listed in the link below and see what we come up with.


</font><ul type="square">[*]<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">This light with a single LED bulb is 3X brighter than any light with 10 LED bulbs! (I seriously doubt it.)</font>[*]<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">The secret is the amazing and revolutionary collimator lens with InGon semiconductor flip chip and Silicon sub-mount chip. The lens focuses further, disperses light more widely, and casts a more natural color light. (Scared me....for a second there, I thought they were going to say "Made out of Space Age Materials".)</font>[*]<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">You could keep this light going nonstop for almost two weeks on the same batteries. (That's 336 hours straight folks!! I guess technically speaking.....you could have it "on" indefinitely.....it just wouldn't be putting out any light.)</font>[*]<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">The case is lightweight, water, and shockproof, and virtually indestructible. (They should make everything out of these lights then....cars....houses.....airplanes....that way they'd never wear out.)</font>[*]<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Nothing beats this light for everything from reading and repairs to backpacking and camping. (It slices...It dices....It chops....It blends....all for only $44.95.....but wait....order within the next 30 minutes....and blah blah blah blah blah...and blah.)
</font>[/list]<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Anyone have any "real world" experience with this light? It would be interesting to hear.
Dan out
Re: Over-hyped L.E.D. flashlight description...... Nah..... They wouldn\'t do that !!!

This is the infamous "InGon" Luxeon Star flashlight that's been the butt of ridicule in several past CPF threads. I've never actually seen a working unit, but I was given one that a CPF member accidentally killed while attempting to realign its emitter.


The flashlight itself.



When disassembled for changing batteries. Note unique slide-out carriage.



A look at the business end, and a look down the barrel. The spring contact of the battery goes through that hole and directly contacts the bottom of the LS's PCB.



This is the emitter assembly. Note the copper "U" strap electrically connecting the anode to the bottom of the PCB. The LS's PCB rests on another doughnut-shaped piece of PCB that serves as an insulator.



This is the dome of the LS emitter, which popped off when the emitter assembly was being realigned. Note the phosphor in the dome; it isn't on the die itself. In the left hand picture, you should be able to see two indentations where the bond wires were embedded.
Re: Over-hyped L.E.D. flashlight description...... Nah..... They wouldn\'t do that !!!

T'aint worth it(44.95). Mine has already started to self destruct. Neg. solder connection on the PCB has came loose under normal use, no abuse. Battery changes require prying tools , my fingernails will attest to that fact! Roy, I can't blame you for killing it,cause it would have died on its own eventually.