P.T. Matrix LED hdlamp Sale at REI $32 & mini Review

cave dave

Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 15, 2001
That's cheaper than the LED Module by itself. http://www.rei.com/

Even though it has 3 LED it isn't as bright as you would expect. Princeton tec has traded long burn times and a constant light output over power. I'd say it puts out about as much light as a brand new Photon.
I own both the Matrix and the Tikka. The Tikka is noticable brighter, but it's not regulated so it suposedly gets dimmer quicker. Tonite I'll do a rough burn comparison.

Mini Review
I think the Matrix is better light for many applications because:
Better constructed
Uses 2xAA sized batteries so it's cheaper to operate and can use lithiums if desired, should be brighter too.
Comes with a krypton bulb &reflector but can also use a PR type halogen or Xenon.
I also own a Tec 20 and a Solo and the parts are interchangeable. So it makes a great backup light.
I wish it were brighter. It's not really bright enough for caving, though I have used it to leave a lava tube after my main light went out.

The Tikka is of course brighter (initially) and lighter.

Find a naglene 2oz screw top Lexan Jar at your local REI or other outfitter. It looks like this: http://www.rei.com/cgi-bin/rei/appl/p at.pl?source=9039&url=www.rei.com/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/ProductDisplay%3Fprmenbr%3D8000%26prrfnbr%3D456
but rei.com doesn't have the 2 oz but the local store did

Pad the bottom with some foam and the extra module fits nicely inside. This will keep the catalyst nice and dry.

Burn time comparison results:

After about 16hrs the Matrix went out. I measured the voltage on the batteries.
One battery read 1.3V the other 0.6V

Looks like I had a bad battery. Guess I'm going to have to run the test again. The problem with testing these lights is they run for days.
Could you test how long does it take for the tikka to drop to the same brightness as the matrix? I own a matrix and find it not as bright as I like. I heard that the tikka is brighter but I would like to know for how long. Thanks.