P1D-CE, Amilite Neo T5


Newly Enlightened
Jul 9, 2006
I just got my P1D-CE in the mail.... Flashlight Reviews showed thier P1D-CE as having a black "o-ring" at the base of the head. Mine has none.... has Fenix stopped using the o-ring on the head or did they forget to ship me one.

Well anyway, a really great light..... output and throw at medium (70 lumens) is almost IDENTICAL to the beam of my Neo T3.
But on high, it's quite noticeably brighter than the T3. Observations were made with a brand new battery in each light.

Interesting thing though is the size of the lights. They are almost identical. The fenix is 21 mm in diameter, the neo T5 20 mm (except for the head) and length is close too, 71 mm for the P1D, 73 mm for the neo T3. They look like two brothers together, sitting on my shelf - they both fit in fenix's light holster perfectly.... I was carrying the T3 but.......

My P1D-CE has an O-ring on the head, but it wouldn't be visible in the shot you took. You would have to unscrew the head a little further.
Thehappyman, you alternate back-and-forth between "T3" and "T5" in the subject and text of your post. Which is it?
I think Happyman has zapped his eyes when looking down the barrel of his new flashlight (as we flasho's often do) and is having trouble locating the correct keys.
