Sounds good to me. Should get great runtime too.
IIRC your Vf is 3.75 volts. I have been using D bins, several of them AMF, on emolies which are the forerunner of the new IMR 26650, LiNiCo chemistry. Those batteries are 3.7 volts, a perfect match!!
Prior to the IMR 26650, a run test was done by AWR (not AW) and the results showed the emolie discharge so flat it looked like regulation!!
These cells also have high capacity 4Ah, and a charge rate of 3amps, you can recharge a light in minutes, not over night. Those cells are safe lithium and can charge in series. I have built single P7s on these cells and put charging jacks on the lights.
click to englarge
I now have built a tri-p7 on three of these cells, a jack on the left of the switch and an always on glowing green 5mm LED to the right for night light location (runs at 0.02 mA)
On D2flex you have pwm control of the modes (it is not a driver), and can run so many variations of brightness levels, strobes and memory, thermal protection, auto off, auto lock, and more, more than any other driver!!
C bins first beat the D bins out and people were direct driving, DD, them on 3.6 V li-ions and these were so much brighter than anything else out there folks were satisfied with the results but the Vbat was less than the Vf. Actually though that is innefficient because it was not getting the maximum out of the LED.
The D bin and 3.7 V battery match Vf and Vbat perfectly.:goodjob: