This Maglite was originally made for a custumer on Craigslist that I have not been able to contact for 30 days. Therefor, I'v decided to sell it here. And maybe in the future, sell P7 Maglites consistantly here, as well as on Craigslist. I have probably made about 50 or so P7 Maglites for customers, so I asure you this has been built to high standards of quality.
Brand new condition. Used for literally less than a minute for quality insurance. This is a 4D, black Maglite with a DSXOI bin P7 LED mounted onto an aluminum heatsink, and its running off of a 5 mode Hi-Med-Lo-Strobe-SOS driver.
A comparison between a stock Maglite and a P7 Maglite
Indoor beamshot on a wall 5ft away. Stock Maglite on the right.
Comes with everything you see here.
Free complimentary emergency LED keychain in the tailcap
Comes with the flashlight, four D Nimh cells, and a universal Nimh/NiCad charger.
Price: $200
Shipping: $10 CONUS, $25 International (sorry)
Brand new condition. Used for literally less than a minute for quality insurance. This is a 4D, black Maglite with a DSXOI bin P7 LED mounted onto an aluminum heatsink, and its running off of a 5 mode Hi-Med-Lo-Strobe-SOS driver.
A comparison between a stock Maglite and a P7 Maglite
Indoor beamshot on a wall 5ft away. Stock Maglite on the right.
Comes with everything you see here.
Free complimentary emergency LED keychain in the tailcap
Comes with the flashlight, four D Nimh cells, and a universal Nimh/NiCad charger.
Price: $200
Shipping: $10 CONUS, $25 International (sorry)
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