Re: Peak Beam Systems MaxaBeam- The Torch Reviews
The wire is/was attached to the top metal contact of the lamp on the outside. It runs down the side of the glass where it is wrapped around the outside of the bulb portion adjacent to either electrode, but it is not physically attached there in any other way. Internally, the comparitively large anode glows a satisfying hot orange colour for quite a while after switching off (especially after running in high power) and I don`t doubt the external metalwork gets mighty warm too. For now it seems secure after my careful manouvering. Beforehand it was sprung away from its weld point but I managed to introduce a little spring tension pushing it *towards* the metal instead of away. High temperature thermal epoxy might work but I would not be keen to introduce any "foreign matter" within the lamp housing for fear of outgassing or burning that could damage the reflector coating. Just opening it for cleaning without getting loads of dust in there was tricky.
Given the cost of this thing, which I could only afford thanks to a decent quarterly bonus payment at work co-inciding with PBS`s recent special offer, I`m not going to treat it roughly so hopefully it`ll remain secure for quite some time. If it wasn`t just so much *fun*, it would probably stay in its hard case most the time. As it is, it hasn`t been back in there since it arrived.