"In style since 1793, Perrier has been a trusted brand since the mayor of Vergeze, France recognized the natural sparkling mineral water's exceptional qualities"
Nitrates 2.6
2.6 2-Chlorotoluene found at 3.7 ppb
http://www.nrdc.org/water/drinking/bw/appa.asp (check out your favorite water here)
"In 2003, , a Showtime Quick Summary:
The time at which something is supposed to beginShowtime television network program, conducted an informal taste test of bottled water. They found about 75 percent of New Yorkers preferred tap water to bottled waters. They also hired a "water sommelier Quick Summary:
A waiter who manages wine service in a hotel or restaurantsommelier" to sell US$7 bottled water to the patrons in a fancy California Quick Summary:
A state in the western United States on the Pacific; the 3rd largest state; known for earthquakesCalifornian restaurant. The water sommelier filled each bottle with a garden hose directly from the tap, however, people just seemed to know the difference between a bottle of eau du robinet (French for "faucet water") and Agua de Culo (Spanish for "a** water") before they were informed. In the end, the hosts Penn and Teller Quick Summary:
Quick Summary not found for this subjectPenn and Teller, jokingly offered to sell their brand of water for US$150 per bottle."