Pila Codex using Lumens Factory LA's


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 11, 2006
Hi all,

Has anyone attempted to use the EO-9 attached to the Pila GL3 + Codex? I don't want to blow the bulb or damage the Codex, but would definitely be interested in anyone who's tried this. It'd be awesome to have this setup!:rock:
Dude, not sure if the Codex has soft start technology or not, but I would prefer to not flash an incan on and off, especially a unit like the EO9.
Jon Burly would be the dealer who could tell you if the Codex has that sort of power (and probably a good person to buy it from)
Thanks dude, I'll check with him. I was hoping he'd respond to the thread, but he hasn't been around CPF for a while... :sigh: