pilot photo digital tour Jasper day route map


Newly Enlightened
Feb 3, 2005
BC Canada
I've just back-ordered a Jasper <5mA to do realy bright sunny daytime work. If we shine it down on Earth from 4000' and take an old-style (or digital) photo, will it show a spot on the print? Some of our customers hire us to discover hiking/climbing routs in the remote areas of BC and Alaska. They take photos and would find it VERY helpful to highlite (dot on film) areas of interest.
Ta, Waspfarmer
If your asking that if your in an aircraft 4000' above the ground in daylight and point the laser at something on the ground and are wondering if the dot from the laser will show up on a photograph, then the answer is no. Even if it were a 100mw laser it would not show up during a sunny day.
aw poo, thanks bootleg2go.
Shutter speeds/filters are infinite with this bright noon-type light, and laser stability could be that of the plane (thinking filterd real with long shutter laser on a blurry spot). Usually we can get within 1000' (and often much less) of "easy hiking" terrain. Obviously, the lower we can get in, the less the value of the laser!
OK, there's no cheap way to this yet! We need IFR pilots, GPS, logged topo. shuttle/satelite maps, and balls to go down to 2,000' in the dark. What was I thinking? Fortunately, I'm creative, look at the night sky alot, and have kids! I'll let you know how it turns out on this thread when the Jasper arrives........ .... ..

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