please help!!!! easy to answer picture

your trying to collapse the beam into the MCA, I believe one is a fast axis lens, and the other is a slow axis lens.

My bet is on #2, I dont have a leadlight opened to tell you exactly.
Hey spec this is exactly what logic told me - the beam is first widened and then focused into the crystal set but someone else told me the flat side of the lens faces the diode,........anyone???
I agree with Spec. I would post this question at Google's Groups alt.lasers and sci.optics
Are you certain that these two lenses your talking about here are identical and interchangable as you have shown in your list of possible combinations. It's very possible that even though they are the same physical size and shape, the curvature and or focal length could very well be different. In that case instead of 4 possible combinations there are really 8 possibilities.

good luck
no im sure because there is 2 lenses before the mca, and one is in a brass disk and its never been out of its disk, and the other doesnt have a brass disk it fits inside a hole in the brass body before the mca and yes there both pretty much the same size and shape, im trying all the combinations now as we speak but cant get a good output
I don't want to compound things as I'm not a laser optics expert at all, but it could also be that the rotational position of these lenses or some of them may make a difference as well. But like I said, I'm not sure of this but it's a possibility.

I would have said it was number or 2. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/banghead.gif

I've got parts all over the place...I'll dig one out. I want to get some pics of the MCA in action anyway.
Ok deezdrama, I have successfully knackered two lasers this evening... I'll be posting the pics soon. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

It's hard to believe but all three lenses in the two I took apart were curved on both sides ... well I believe the correct term is convex on both sides.

Although one side of the lenses has a flat ring around the edge and the other side doesn't - I'll count this side as the flat... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thinking.gif

The first lense (chrome ring or OC mirror) is the first - placed on top of the diode - flat-side down.

The second placed after and just before the MCA is also flat-side down.

The third after the MCA and before the IR filter is also *shock* flat side down.

I was very careful with the disassembly of both the lasers and the lenses are correct. So it looks like your image '3' is the correct one.

Awesome- YOU ARE THE MAN!!!! to bad I already got the pile of laser parts sold in the buy/trade threads. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thanks.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/stupid.gif
but i honestly appreciate it , the laser section in this forum wouldnt be the same without your expertise and beautiful pics and ill tinker with it and maybee not sell it
Well... I had to dig the Microscope out again...

To my surprise-
On two of my leadlight modules I have found both of the flatter sufaces point away from each other...
Or the convex sides towards each other..

Sometime this weekend I will drag the camera out and shoot some pictures of the lenses themselves mounted.

BTW, Both of these modules do well over 60mW when pumped with 350mW diodes..modules are mounted in heatsinks... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Perhaps this will help others in the future!!!
When I took an old leadlight laser apart, the first lens after the diode fell out and I put it back in with the convex side down (towards the diode). I got nothing, zero green output no matter how much I adjusted the diode.

Opened it up and flipped the lens flat side ("plano") back and I was back in business.

I am near certain that they do not use fast-axis collimation as this would result in a cylindrical lens. It would most likely boost the effeciency, but they are more expensive. Apparently, a good portion of IR is lost because of the fast-axis. I even went as far as getting a quote from a diode manuf. to have a fast-axis lens built right into a 9mm 808, 500mW. The quote was over 500 bucks per diode. Too bad, I really want to know how much it increases performance.