please suggest me between 2 lux-V mod


May 16, 2004
43.66 N - 13.13 E
i want to direct drive my lux-V with 2 R123A but i don't know if use a dorcy-spyder body or a nuwai tm-115x

the spyder is much smaller and have the switch in the tailcap but the nuwai have a larger reflector (useful with a lux-V) and a two stage switch (useful when i don't need a wall of light /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif)

i can enlarge the head of the spyder for fit a 27mm ims reflector but is a hard work for me...

what you suggest? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
Re: please suggest me beetween 2 lux-V mod

Before direct-driving a LuxV with Li-Ions please read the latest thread about the death of a brave LuxV soldier in such a combat and think twice about this idea ...
Re: please suggest me beetween 2 lux-V mod

well i can use the nuwai for his big heat dissipation and arctic silver between the pieces... you think aluminium is enough or i must use copper?

i had try to drive the luv-V out of the flashlight and i have read 1600ma at start, i think it can decrease at 1200 after few minutes... is dangerous? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif
Re: please suggest me beetween 2 lux-V mod

sorry but i have other questions... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif

i have a 2ohm and a 56ohm resistor, what is the output that i can expect with this 2 resistor?

for the best heat dissipation i must remove the original aluminium star with a copper star?
Re: please suggest me beetween 2 lux-V mod

Yes, that is dangerous. At 1600mA, regardless of heatsinking, you are very close (if not exceeding) maximum thermal spec for the Luxeon V.

I can almost guarantee that in 2 or 3 months of using that light, if you go back and measure, you will find that the initial current has risen to 2A or more. Your Lux V is definitely asking for a quick death.
Re: please suggest me beetween 2 lux-V mod

ok i'm at good point.

the tm-115x have a lot of aluminium for dissipate heat, only i must wait for the arctic silver...

i have modded the two stage switch, first stage 10ohm resistor, second stage direct drive /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif

with two charged R123A at the first stage a VV1T absorb around 180ma at 5,9v (near zero heat)

at stage two the current raise up to 1500-1600ma and the voltage at 6,8-6,9v... a lot of heat but also a lot of light /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif

now i estimate around 200lm at stage 2 and around 35 at stage 1, it's right?

if i blow the led i can replace it with a WV0U (if i can find it) that is safer to drive i think...

do you like my mod? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
Re: please suggest me beetween 2 lux-V mod

1500 is way way too high for a luxV even with a co2 cooling rig. I built something similiar last night but i used a badboy 750 to keep things in check. I've blown 2(yes two) luxV's by direct driving off primary cells. R123's will give off much greater amperage. I've learned my lesson on direct driving with li-ion at this point. You should really get that amperage down to at maximim 800ma .