there is no actual white
the closest to what your probably referring to would be a WO or SWO in this case.
if you explain better what colors you actually want
it would be better.
did you want blueish white, incadescent yellowish white? there is also purplish majenta white, and puke green white, but those are often defects
mabey they are Binned, but they usually have other issues too. then you can get superblue, just dont heat sinc it well enough
is the purpose to see outdoor items? do you like incadescent now?
for outdoors i would probably pick a yellowish greenish redish one, and that doesnt exist. So you either lean twards red a bit, or twards green a bit, AS you head into the yellow, the more you head into the yellow, the less Metered lumens it will have, as you lean into the green or red, from the yellow, again you will have less metered lumens.
with the seoul thing i dont think there is a "warm" where it has a lot of yelowish redish look to it, so you cant get as far to a incan type of look as with warm crees or warm rebeles and luxes.
here real spectografic analisis of many things, good start
see you got a 2 haump camel there, blueish and yelowish, raise or lower the 2 humps and you go from blue to yellow, lean the 2 humps to the left or right and it changes to the other colors, only changing the phosphors themselves (and the blue die), not binning the defects will change the humps.
so real quick here is the incan
and here is the incan on drugs