

Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 29, 2004
What would be the best way to polish metal or aluminum that has been painted? Sanding and then polish with something?
The cool thing about metal is that you can use paint thinners and such to get down to the bare metal. Sanding wouild work, but that's the hard way to do it.

If the paint is of a type that will come off with mineral spirits or acetone, then have at it. If it isn't, try sandblasting.

The problem with sanding is also that it removes metal too and you really don't want waves in the surface of the metal because you can really see them when the surface is polished.

After you get down to the bare metal, and it is a relatively smooth surface, just go over it with some 0000 steel wool to get a nice smooth brushed finish. 1200 grit sandpaper works well too. After that, I usually chuck the piece in my lathe and spin it. I use Flitz metal polish. It will put a mirror finish on aluminum.
I've been sanding with increasingly finer grit paper (down to 1500). I finish the job with toothpaste and finally somw Fitz. Anyone say "mirror finish"? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif I do this by hand so it takes a looooong time.

I'm a bit frustrated 'cuz the finish scratches too easily after I'm done. Is there a way of "sealing" the finish without reducing the shine?
That's why I prefer a brushed finish. The polished finish does scratch too easily.

I've never tried toothpaste, but I have used rubbing compound before the final polish.
Just out of curiosity, will the Arc Al parts that are circulating with a yellow "chemcote", I think its called, polish to a mirror finish?


I'm pretty sure that the arc parts will polish right up. The chemcote is thin and soft. I don't think it permeates the metal.

To be more precise, I think the chemcote will polish right off.

Well here are the results of my sanding and polishing on the Gerber Infinity Ultra that I bought from gl22man. With 1500 grit sandpaper and then finishing with some metal polish for car rims. Along with that I also modded the LED with one of the Ebay 26kMcd LEDs. What do you guys think?
Unpolished Gerber

New LED soldered in

Finished polished Gerber head

Side shot of Gerber assembled

I am much happier with this little light now. But does anyone know where I can buy the high power 5mm LEDs that runs at 100 mA? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Re: 5mm LED\'s that run at 100ma

I have a deal in the works to obtain a quantity of these from ISP in Korea. Specs are 3.6 v max. 150 ma max. 22000mcd. I am waiting for payment info from my contact there.
Re: 5mm LED\'s that run at 100ma

Once you get and test the ISP LED, please let us know the comparison to the 26k mcd 5mm LED on EBay.
Re: 5mm LED\'s that run at 100ma

I would also like to know how these look compared to the 26000mcd's.
Re: 5mm LED\'s that run at 100ma

Will do since I have about 90 of the 26k mcd's already. I am hoping that the Vf of the ISP leds is low enough for good performance in the mini-mag. I know the mjled is about 2.8 to 3v forward voltage. That is why they work so well on AA and AAA's. The manufacturer has their money now. I am waiting for shipping confirmation. They state 2 weeks for delivery but we will see.

Hey these initials belonged to me long before the movie. LOL /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grinser2.gif