Poll on ST Distribution

Flashlight Manufacturer (Non-Commercial)

  • YES

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • NO

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Interesting. Should be even more interesting to reread some of these comments when the details are finally revealed. It's a shame it came to this, but I'll always vouch for MR Bulk. Note that he recently sold some spare LH's at original prices, not for inflated prices (though it would have been easy to do on his own or through a third party). Sounds pretty stand-up to me.
So ... Post-Police is watching this thread ... let there be no Non-Buyer entering his unfaithful words in the sacred halls of the followers of the LC (Lion Cult).
Yes, it is noted that there are only "Buyers" posting here. Well done, guys. Follow your idol on his crusade to turn CPF into something new ... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon15.gif

I do not like this thread. It is a symbol. A symbol of the last of the old spirits of CPF leaving before the winds of doom haunt these halls forever.
"The wind of Greed" ... profit ... stopping the free flow of information
"The wind of Selfishness" ... putting the advance of "the art" to a screeching halt.
"The wind of Secrecy" ... what others don't need to know ...
"The wind of Separation" ... one group we are no longer ... but small clusters of cult-followers
"The wind of Manipulation" .... will you follow me into fire?
"The wind of the Hidden Truth" ... a half-truth is the worst lie
"The wind of Irresponsibility" ... where leaders lead because of what they may gain, and not to serve
"The wind of Polarization" ... it's "us" vs. "them" ... and "they" truly don't belong here in the club ...

Carry on happily ... while I am sorry and afraid.


NOTE: this is my personal opinion only and does not reflect an official CPF position.
Back to some fun.

Mr. Bulky, the other night when the CPF website was up, my wife read the tread about the ST being a sex toy. She started questioning what this flashlight hobby was all about. I assured her that even though I did not know what the ST was, that it was indeed not a sex toy. I also added that I thought that the ST took some type of small battery but that it did not viberate. Can you please provide substantiation to these thoughts so that I can assure my wife that I have not gone astray? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grinser2.gif

MR Bulk said:

diggdug13 - yeah, fun ain't it? Yeah, we jus' be havin' some FUN heah! Seems the only ones complaining anyway are those who are not involved in these transactions and thus have no need, nor justification, to know.../ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grinser2.gif

Now I've been between a big rock and a hard place for the past several months, by not being able to speak/post freely due to the intertwined situations explained in my long post above. And so I am now finally trying to give Cub buyers a benefit, a BIG benefit - namely that of having first crack at buying the latest creation, the ST, AT COST, as well as allowing them to CHOOSE (a right every buyer intrinsically possesses) whether to disclose what figure he/she paid for it.

And yet a few of the ones who are not buying LionCubs, who will not be getting the opportunity to buy an ST, who are not involved in this very PRIVATE transaction between seller and buyer in any way, are the ones raining on our parade. Would you they go on B/S/T and dare to demand disclosure of what someone just paid for a light?

I think not.

So please, I would hope that they realize they are attempting to do that very same thing here. It is not their business, and it is not their right.

[/ QUOTE ]

In a community like CPF every member of the community has a right, perhaps even a responsability, to voice his views when activities have the potential to effect the intrinsic nature of that communities standards and moras (except when prohibited by the mandates of the owners of these forums).

Wether these marketing tactics are by design or the result of an unfortunate, irreversible, sequence of events I disagree with them to a large extent and I believe that they may set precedents that others may emulate. Therefore, I voice my opinion. My opinion is also unclouded by worries that speaking out will result in receipt of an inferior light or no receipt at all. I can question these practices because I believe the concept of "Faith" (perhaps better stated as fanboy idolatry) as is being used in many of these posts has crossed out of the realm of "good faith" needed in a transaction, into a place that voids ones objectivity of the practices at hand. Put simply, this type of "F"aith has created a situation where questioning the object of "F"aith (for SOME involved in this type of "F"aith) is now an attack on the "F"aithfulls own ego and its fitness. The "F"aithful in this situation are too involved to be relied upon to state disagreements.

By creating a pollin a public forum and inviting comments, Mr. Bulk has invited criticism. Also, using (what I believe is) a non-profit organization to endorse and market these lights is ample excuse on its own to allow the scrutiny of those who are supposedly unaffected by this so-called "private" transaction /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif. This situation is a FAR cry from the buyer/seller situation seen in b/s/t. Further confounding this argument is that, for Mr. Bulk, these activities are the prelude to a retirement for-profit business venture and are likely serving as tests for marketing ploys in the future.

Let me also say, I don't believe this situation to be the result of the devious machinations of Mr. Bulk. I DO believe that they are, as he has stated, the results of a sequence of events. Perhaps I'm reading too much into Mr. Bulks posts but I believe that the ST is , at least partly, a creation motivated by a degree of dissapointment in the mutation of his light distribution by the dealings made with Tactical Warehouse. This is ultimately ,IMO, part of the growing pains associated with the transition of a passion for a hobby into a business. It is clear (to me) that Mr. Bulk has a passion for flashlights and this community. Perhaps he is simply trying to make too many people happy. Perhaps the constant "hype" surrounding the ST is really enthusiasm akin to that which accompanies the giving of a christmas gift. I'd like to believe this. However, divining anyones motivation is a dubious undertaking . Mr. Bulk should (does?) realize that many of these activities appear designed to manipulate folks into buying into and enhancing the Mr.Bulk "hype".
/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thinking.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon3.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/popcorn.gif
Interesting poll.

I voted that LionCub buyers be informed privately.

Good luck Mr Bulk.


I think you are taking cheap shots if I read your post correctly:

1. "My opinion is also unclouded by worries that speaking out will result in receipt of an inferior light or no receipt at all."

Your opinion may be unclouded by paranoia, but why attack Mr. Bulk's and or TW's character without any basis at all?

2. "...these activities are the prelude to a retirement for-profit business venture and are likely serving as tests for marketing ploys in the future."

Charaterizing "these activities" as a "marketing ploy" is wrong. You either missed what Mr. Bulk said several posts previously, or you are suggesting he is not telling the truth.

3. "Mr. Bulk should (does?) realize that many of these activities appear designed to manipulate folks..."

While you start the paragraph off with the disclaimer that you consider Mr. B innocent of "devious machinations", ending your post by questioning whether he "does?" realize that these activities manipulate folks and implying that he "designed" this whole situation suggests you believe otherwise.

Just calling it as I see it.

IMHFO. (In my humble fanboy opinion)
So I just finished reading all the posts. Wow, things got heated. I like when people show emotion. Shows me that we are still alive. My only comment to all of the above is...Mr Bulk make a headlamp with V2 software.

I still like CPF. It has helped me get through rough times. I am very glad for the forum however it goes. I buy from Mr Bulk because he is Mr Bulk.

Thanks everyone for making CPF. I love to hear boths sides of a debate.

Whatever.... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crackup.gif Given that virtually all the lion cubs are sold, I'd like to know exactly what Mr Bulk is trying to "market". No one is buying a lion cub to get an "ST" if they are then they're stupid. The people who have bought cubs will have the choice to take or refuse the ST when it is offered to them, it will sell or not on its own merits. I certainly don't feel manipulated, the ST is just a bonus offering and I'm looking forward to it /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
The lioncubs aren't all sold. And as far as people buying the LC to get an ST, I missed that Poll. Given that nobody knows what the ST is ,judging people who are buying LC's for ST's as stupid is a bit premature.

And since I can't seem to keep my mouth shut for any length of time in this topic, I must have way too much time on my hands. Peace out. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif
I did say virtually but it seems you have a habit of selective reading I suggest you just chill out /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif If you had read any of MR Bulks posts you would know that currently there is the same number of STs available as LC already sold. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grouphug.gif
I wish to thank Zack for his post which demonstrates a very lucid observation some may have missed - that I did indeed sell the last two new LionHearts I recently discovered, at their original price. Sure, it would have been easy enough for me, or an unconnected other if I wanted to be "devious backroom cloak 'n dagger and secret handshake"-like, to sell them for more, such as the prices I've seen other LHs going (gone, actually) for recently. But they were offered at their regular honest price.

And Thank You to MY (the instigator of ALL of this, do not forget!) for returning to a FUN post subject. Although it was admittedly a seamy, sex-world kind of fun - which is just great in my book actually.../ubbthreads/images/graemlins/naughty.gif

And to Likebright for the head-scratchin' icons following xochi's post - and here I thought I was the only one...

To fleegs for stickin' to the subject. And for voting and then getting off the pot - "Next!"

And for nethiker, who so cleanly and accurately dissected the conflicting, confusing faults of someone's post while all me and Likebright could do was stand around and scratch our heads...

And finally to SolarFlare for seeing the obvious - that first, all LCs are virtually (that's virtually, in case someone else wishes to belabor a semantical point) sold out anyway so this theory of an alleged "plot" to hype ST exclusivity is an empty, leaky sieve with no basis in fact.

No need to address the other poster, an old friend who used to buy stuff from me but who suddenly (perhaps because I did not build for him the DD 2AA amber-colored 1W batwing Luxeon flashlight mod he wanted? Which I advised against due to extreme dimness - the old-tech low-dome amber 1W Luxeon is dim to begin with and DD on a measly 2AA power source would have exacerbated this) - became an ardent supporter of another prominent modder, even going so far as to participate, if not initiate outright, picture threads of that modder's lights plus homage and "collection" posts - who now just occasionally posts negatively on threads having to do with my lights, pointing out and raising vague questions veiled in reverent, biblical language making over-the-top references to "symbolism" (Hallelujah! Beware the Anti-Christ!)...*sigh*...that's really reaching, I tell ya.

But moving on - I must tell everyone that I will NEVER partner with ANYONE ever again. Yes, I said "never", despite ample warnings against using this word, because I now know.

All too well.

That for some known (and some nebulous) reasons the lights I make do sell, usually every last one of them. And thus if someone can hop on for the ride they indeed will. There have been quite a few private contacts asking to "partner up" with me on any upcoming project because they have all these great ideas that will "help" me sell more lights. Wow, like I Want to spend all my waking moments behind the workbench instead of with my family or my real, full-time job.

But in the end I realize they likely just needed a leg up, so instead of starting small, building trust and confidence in their own light mods, and becoming finally fortunate enough to not be able to keep up with demand, they simply want to take the on-ramp directly to a faster track.

Actually I wanted to downsize and had been thinking about it - as far back as two projects ago - when I posted that I wanted to make just 25 or 50 LionHearts (which I originally called the "Straight Pin", remember? It's right there in that thread if anyone wants to check it out), but the flood of e-mails and PMs precluded that. And so I stretched out to full gallop, while at the same time trying to delegate some of the less desirable tasks so that I could concentrate on what I like best. And it ends up like this.

Had I made this LC run the "usual" way, and sold them in the usual style, none of today's issues would ever have happened. And it would have enabled the showing and selling of the ST on its own merits. That was what I really wanted, and what I really want to return to.

So rest assured that things will be "back to normal", if such a state is indeed ever possible again, after this LionCub/ST project is over and done with.


I can't wait. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon23.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/jpshakehead.gif
Oh my gosh, it's awful reading some of the comments here. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif

Charlie is a very principled gentleman. Britt and I, both, have personal knowledge of Charlie's honesty and integrity and I know there are a great many people here who do as well.

Why do people become so venomous and slur the character of fine people here?

I'm glad BC is 300 miles away from the internet today.

Cathi J.
Yes Cathi there are some venomous people here that have very narrow opinions and thinking patterns. I for one have seen nothing but honorable and kindness from Charlie, not focused on one person but focused on the CPF community.

He has done nothing but try and uphold CPF values and try and support our lust for better and brighter lights. If anyone should carry the weight of the blame it is the CPF community for putting so much on people like Charlie and yet we belittle and spat venomous words towards him and others around here that do nothing but support us.

I refrain from any moderation of this thread as it could easily be construed that I am acting out of bias or with ulterior motives. Truth be known (typically a rarity), I would moderate with no motivation for personal gain but driven by a more objective review and understanding.

Bernhard qualified his post as an "individual" and not in a capacity of moderator. In light of certain comments, he is known to some as a fan boy of some of my lights and for some reason, at the exclusion of other lights. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon3.gif I value his opinion and certainly appreciate his posts and aid on the McGizmo forum! Thanks Bernhard! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif I want to start out with the same qualification of my post. Below are my comments and opinion as merely a member of CPF.

This forum is for Homemade and Modified Lights. It is not real clear to me how this poll fits in this forum but perhaps the mysterious and hyped ST is a Homemade or Modified light; time will likely tell.

The distribution of the ST and consideration of its pricing structure and disclosure of same hardly seems to be appropriate content for this forum; regardless of its ultimate nature.

This thread is also based, from the outset and by its very nature, on exclusion of the majority of the CPF membership. No judgment here; just observation.

With regards to homemade or modified lights, this thread is void of any substance, IMHO. In regards to marketing and hype and community exposure, well, that's another story.

As a flashlight collector, builder and modder, I look forward to the LC and am curious as to its build and function; a topic worthy of discussion in this forum, me thinks. I am also curious as to the nature of the ST! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

By design and intent, I am excluded from this thread but as with some others in the CPF community, I haven't let that stop me from posting! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/nana.gif

This thread has certainly been an interesting read but in regards to flashlights, homemade, modified or other, I haven't learned a damn thing! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crackup.gif Heck, it's all just fun right and personally this thread hasn't cost me a dime! Perhaps I should have used the time elsewhere but that's my problem. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif For the record, I didn't polute the poll with an unqualified vote! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grinser2.gif

If this post is supposed to have a point, then I guess I would ask that you consider the following statement I made above:

With regards to homemade or modified lights, this thread is void of any substance, IMHO. In regards to marketing and hype and community exposure, well, that's another story.

Words and talk is cheap. (Mine aren't even well formed or spelled correctly /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif). Because of this, I suggest that actions and products are allowed to speak for themselves. Not sure how that fits but it came to mind so I shared it! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

In fairness to Charlie and as he so eloquently illustrated above, actions viewed without full knowledge of context, can be completely misunderstood. I guess that means that it should boil down to the product itself; hopefully something to do with flashlights or illumination. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

This thread is approaching a trainwreck, IMHO and it may be do to its premise or just the group dynamics. It seems that the discussion has dropped down to the level of charactor of members of CPF and that is certainly beyond the topic of homemade and modified lights! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif I hope it is allowed to follow its course so Charlie can glean the info he seeks from his poll and all members can learn whatever they chose to from this "experiment"! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon15.gif

I come to CPF out of interest (certainly vested at this point) in flashlights; not to view a circus act! In the last year, I have wasted too much time on CPF and that's my bad and my problem! In essence, this thread is simply BS. If I have offended anyone with my comments or opinion it was not offense that I intended; merely observations from a point of view. Perhaps a poor and misleading point of view. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon3.gif

If CPF is about flashlights, cool. If it is about people and personalities, then so be it. If it's about both then it gets confusing! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/help.gif

I hereby publically request dismisal as a moderator of the Homemade and Modified Flashlights forum. Charlie left as a moderator of this forum quite some time ago and now it's time for me to step down as well. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink2.gif
I hereby publically request dismisal as a moderator of the Homemade and Modified Flashlights forum. Charlie left as a moderator of this forum quite some time ago and now it's time for me to step down as well. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink2.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

You got it darlin'! You have officially been reduced to just a regular member of the Homemade and Modified Flashlights forum... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink2.gif ... and... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/nana.gif
Yup, the precise reason I stepped down as moderator myself was to avoid having to monitor this type of thread, and here I am embroiled in one!

Don is right, the thread is BS. It served as a sounding board not only for the Cub buyers as was intended, but for the vociferous few who apparently harbored pent-up emotions about the whole ST situation.

Sasha (or perhaps Don as his last official act), I respectfully request closure of this thread. And I promise I will not start another thread on distribution of the ST, and instead go with the majority of comments and votes culled so far by having Diggdug13 take care of contacting each Cub buyer (Doug, kindly e-mail or PM me).

We will take care of it all in private as has already been suggested and as the clear majority so far have already indicated.

Thank you one and all for the valuable insight and opinions expressed in your posts; I will not forget each and every one's very clear positions on this matter.

Thanks again!
As you wish Charlie! Good call!... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
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