Possible to run Delta on 18650?


Newly Enlightened
Apr 20, 2018
I recently acquired an Alpha Ready Made. I grabbed a matching shorty ready made body as well.

It left me with an unused Alpha body. I am kind of an 18650 junkie, so I'd love to know if I could add a Delta light, and swap in the leftover alpha body and run it on an 18650. If I am getting this right, I would get a 18650 Delta that is about the size of the 18350 Alpha.

I figure the Delta and the Alpha both run the Icarus driver, and the Alpha easily swaps from 18650 to 18350, so shouldn't the delta be able to work the other way around...

I asked the question directly to the company's support address, but I am sure the combination of holidays and pandemic make it difficult to get back to every question.

I am hoping someone in Dark Sucks land already knows the answer, or has an Alpha and a Delta and a willingness to experiment.

There is no battery issue. The only thing that choose cause a problem would be mechanical fit. Since I don't own an alpha I can't tell you that. If the 18350 batteries sit at the same level in the delta and shorty tubes and the threads are the same, it should work.
Drats. I thought I had something there... I guess it is time to beg for a one-off. Thanks for the info.
They do make an Alpha with triple LED setup if that is what you're looking for.
I am kind of indifferent on Triple vs Single emitter. The Delta 18650 dream is born out of a personal taste for size and run time.

The Alpha 18650 has the run time I like, but it is gigantic. The head is huge and the light is about an inch longer than my other 18650/16650 lights. Running the Alpha as a shorty brings down the length to a more reasonable 4.6" or so, but still has that gigantic head and about 25% of the run time. The delta is a nice size and shape, but again, a single cell 18350 or CR123 lacks the run time I require.

A Delta with 18650 body would give me the length of the Alpha shorty, while maintaining the diameter of the delta, and still have the run time of the Alpha. It all feels very Goldilocks to me, but a Delta in that format would compare very well to a BOSS 70 or Muyshondt Flieger in terms of size, run time, output, etc.
Late to this party, but I would really like an 18650 battery on a Delta!!! I do have a several Alph's and the size is,,,,,,, a bit large, however the performance is awesome! I do love the Delta, but the run time is a bit low for the size and my usage. :)
I will check in with the Shop next week.
I will post the response to the question of either a new body, or as I posted an extension ring.
Knowing the philosophy, I willing to say it would probably be a new body