Well I joined CPF this past June 25th and should be the poster child for someone bitten by the Surefire bug!

Before June the only light I owned was a Fenix P1D and Since June I've been lucky enough to pick up:

C2 - HA with an M60
C2 - HA with an M60L
G2 (will buy another M60L when they are restocked)

Not to mention the accessories:

2 detonator extenders
2 FM34 diffusers
2 F04 diffusers
2 SC1 spares carriers
E2DL tail for my E1B
Z58 tail for one of my C2s


I will have to take a family portrait for this thread :party:
My Surefire tactical lights collection!!!

This is the pic that I recently took of most of the my Surefire lights and it's going to be up to you guys to identify it!!!

P.S. I will be adding more in the near future as my collection keep on expanding!!!
Re: My Surefire tactical lights collection!!!

Here is my latest acquisition. M2 Centurion Strider. The story is that there was a small run of strider knives and M2 Centurions as a gift set. The M2 was etched with the Strider logo and the Strider knife has a SF logo. The knife and light have the same serial number. here are pics of the set.

Somehow a dealer had the M2 Strider by itself So I bought it.

Here it is after a little lego-ing. I call it my "LED M2/3" not really but it is like a M3.

wait you spend money on expensive flashlights and mods; and yet not a couple hundred on a simple point-&-shoot digital camera? cmon man any good money wasting hobby requires a camera to take pictures of your money squandering haha.
Does your cell phone take pics possibly?

Yup, but it's currently busted. Should have a replacement in a few days.

This just isn't my night. I lost two hours worth of work when my comp decided to act up, and it closed the page that contained the latest chapter I was working on for my current novel. Two hours of work.... for nothing. :shakehead

I'm going to go cuddle with my M6.
were you using Microsoft office? which ver? cause Windows does auto save for you in a cache to help prevent such an incident. Also if you are a writer, shouldnt you save more often?
Yeah..... LOL :eek:

I was just to lazy to type out KL1, KL4, KX2..... OH, and KL1-SG.
I took it for granted everyone would know I was talking about.

Thanks big guy. :thumbsup:


K-Series? There are only two lights in the "K-Series" - the K2 Kroma and K2-MS Kroma Mil Spec.

The SureFires you show are all E-Series. I suppose that you refer to "K" because of the bezels?

My meager little Surefire collection. The M4 is awaiting the funds so it can enjoy a liberal soaking in MilkySpit.


Milky L2, CREEmator, L1 Cree Extreme.

New to me, used 6P by my 6Z.

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Heres my poor excuse for a growing surefire collection...

E1L new dual output
6P (edit: replacement 3sm q2 5a dereelight drop-in showed up today not sure if I trust it though as there is no mechanical "lock" between the reflector and pill. The reflector rides on the led and I am afraid that the new one will do what the last one did. Twist the emitter board and severe the wires since the darn thing isnt held in with anything but heatsink compound)
G2Z-OD w/P60L
C2-HA w/M60
and Ive got an l4 inbound.......

P.S. I guess Im weird though....ALL the lights axcept for the E1L and P60 are in their boxes

Needed to do an update as the family has grown a little.

E1L new dual output user
6P running P60L with 6PD bezel (set up for girlfriend)
G2Z-OD running Malkoff M60L New in box
C2 running Malkoff M60 New in box
L4 older dark anno New in box
L4 newer greener anno user
A2 HA White New in box
U2A New in box

The following lights are ones I am trying to "sneak" buy

I am waiting for the Ub2 to be released well if it is released
Not my only Surefire but the nicest light kit I have, including some Milky magic:


I only recently got the case so had to show off :naughty: