postal employee doesnt know how to spell


Jan 28, 2004
Brooklyn NY

All right I'm not the best speller in the world but I know how to spell Canada... Yes it was my fault since I didn't put the country on the addy sticker so I get asked a question where is it going... Just in case names like Otawa or Ontario didn't clue you in so I told the clerk that it is going to Canada. She decided to write it. She spelled it CANDAW. I told her how to spell it but it was too late. She covered it with a par avion tape, looked up Canada in the computer and wrote it the right way. No it wasn't a brain fart. She wrote Canada on her scrap paper wrong, than copied it wrong onto the label. Than after looking it up, she wrote it the right way on the scrap paper and copied it the right way onto the package. Jesus.

10 people in the line behind me were cracking up.

Great way to start a week.

I would have been watching for shaking hands and a bulge under her clothes.. Gotta watch those postal workers..
David in Candaw.
True. But missing a letter is not as bad as making a word totally unreadable.

matt_j said:

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Sorry, saw that in "History of the World Part I" and had to say it. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Funny story. You just don't know with some people /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon15.gif
thats nothing /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I just picked up my mail from the box and I got the usual assortment of mail for my neighbors and mail from people nowhere hear here. Let me count...

Leaving out catalogs and such things I received 8 pieces of mail in envelopes. Of which only 3 were actually addressed to myself or my wife.

This was a particularly good day for the mail all over I guess /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif There is one I can't figure out at all, it's a letter to the folks we bought this house from, so it does have our address on it, but it also has a yellow "return to sender" sticker on it saying that they no longer have a forwarding for them. And yet it didn't get returned to sender, it got delivered to the address anyway...
I still get mail from my dad's mother who used to live in my house. The problem is, she's been dead for 30 years. Even after numerous letters and telling the mail people directly that we don't want it and that she isn't around to get it, it still comes, day after day.
James S said:
thats nothing /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I just picked up my mail from the box and I got the usual assortment of mail for my neighbors and mail from people nowhere hear here. Let me count...

Leaving out catalogs and such things I received 8 pieces of mail in envelopes. Of which only 3 were actually addressed to myself or my wife.

This was a particularly good day for the mail all over I guess /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif There is one I can't figure out at all, it's a letter to the folks we bought this house from, so it does have our address on it, but it also has a yellow "return to sender" sticker on it saying that they no longer have a forwarding for them. And yet it didn't get returned to sender, it got delivered to the address anyway...

[/ QUOTE ]

I had a similar problem, and found we had a temporary mail carrier. I called the postmaster and suggested that they check to see if the person could read. Seriously! The mail we got had the right house numbers, and the street's had the same first letter. I think she was comparing the strret sign to the addresses.

We never saw her again.

Some people spell phonetically when they dont know how to spell a word.

Personally spelling words has never been an issue for me, yet I know some who have trouble spelling even simpil wurds.

Remember that whiz kid who out spell presidential candidate Dan ...... some years back..
It seems your postal friend would fit right in here. Maybe she has problems with punctuation, too. Infact, she may already be a member!
Hey, what about a paratransit driver who cant read a map, signs or addresses? Nothing like going between the front and rear door of the building I work loking for my ride as despite my best effort, most drivers pull to the rear to the loading dock and not to the lobby where the suite number is listed and a sign saying lobby. Maybe they spell lobby as shipping and receiving?

When I say canada, I add an extra an, so cananada.
You're lucky you weren't trying to mail something to Mississippi or Connecticut! You would've been in there all day. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif
Did you ever hear why Canada's spelling is so appropriate? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

(no offense to any Canadians out there, I love you guys!!!)
Perhaps the person is dyslexic. My g/f is dyslexic and has a terrible time spelling, but her artwork is some of the best I've ever seen. Cut people a little slack and try not to be so uptight about such things. We can never be sure what types of things are going on in another persons life.
You've got a point there, Negeltu. And some of the very brightest technical minds that I've known cannot spell worth a darn. I would gladly trade with them!
I'm not making fun of her. It just strikes me as odd. And if you were dislexic you would not be able to get the job in the post office. Point being lady was Asian and like my Asian and Russian friends who came here when they were older they can't spell. Why? Because of different alphabet; so for a lot of them it's all based on shape recognition. Nobody is making fun of anyone but you would expect a lady to spell Canada right.