"Princeton Tec 40" experts come out, where ever you are

  • Thread starter **DONOTDELETE**
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I have two Princeton "Tec 40's".

I want to improve their performance, please.

They use Halogen 4 watt lamps, 4AA alkalines, comes with a focused narrow beam reflector, burn time 3-5 hours, 5.2 ounces with batteries, waterproof to 2000 feet.

It is a nice light, it's just that when I light up my Streamlight Pro Polymer 4AA next to it. There is a difference. The PP seems brighter BUT the Tec 40 has a cleaner, smoother beam like a deadfire or a Scorpion.

I plan on buying the "wide beam" reflector soon.

Can I upgrade the bulb for "more" wattage?

Can I put in a RS Xenon made for (2) C or D cells lights?

If I use higher power "batteries" will it boost performance?

Lithium AA's, or NiCad or NiMH batteries?

huh, huh, huh?

I want to "improve" the "Tec 40", how do I do it?

I thought that Lithiums only maintained the current for longer giving you more brightness for longer?

Also, you can take you flashlights outside and they won't be affected so much by the cold (ie the beam won't go yellow)

I'm sure if you're willing to sacrifice one of your flashlights in the name of innovation, you could overdrive it. not too much of it may melt!

I don't know why I'm suggesting this, but why don't you get a Scorpion?

I'd always go for a new SureFire M2 but that's me, Alastair.

Bring on the experimenting experts!
I have a Scorpion, it's a GREAT light. Very BRIGHT.

I am not big on the "Lithiums" that they run on, too expensive to use daily like I do.

I tested the Tec 40 against a Rayovac Industrial 2D light. The Tec 40 won hands down by a mile. (hehehe)

The Rayovac uses a Krypton KPR102 at 2.4V (X) 0.7A = 1.68 Watts. Really weak.

The Tec 40 at 4 watts versus the KPR102 at 1.68 Watts, no contest!

I wonder what the wattage is on the "Pro Polymer" 4AA? Maybe 5 watts?

Anybody Home? hehehe
The Xenon Pro Polymer 4AA has a wider beam, with a brighter center BUT has dark spots and circles, kinda white-ish light, with a smooth reflector. It has rear button tactical activation along with bezel rotation.

The Halogen Tec 40 has a narrower beam but still wide enough, it is very even with NO dark spots and NO dark rings (very smooth), very clean beam, does not seem as bright as PP 4AA, it has a DIMPLED reflector, only bezel activation. A little lighter in weight, a little thinner in the body.

The Krypton Rayovac 2D had a teeny tiny small spot of light, very weak beam, yellowish light, had a dimpled reflector.
I don't have the Tec 40 (yet) but the Stremlight Pro Polymer is running 2.5 watts. I don't know what the lamp is rated at, but that is what it drew on new batteries.

Just don't put in a Carley Krypton Star Rechargeable bulb. It gets way too hot and I think I have some flaking of the reflector due to my little "experiment."

And did you say that the Tec 40 has a dimpled reflector? Mine is smooth and the beam is not smooth whatsoever. Can other members confirm which one they have?