problems GPL-105 afther modification


Newly Enlightened
Jan 18, 2005
Hi all laserlovers,

I've got a problem with my GPL-110 or 105. Don't know the exact model.
They told it is the 110 but it has acourding to me not an feedbackcircuit
and no led to warm the divice is on.

I've done the pod modification. Drill a hole in the black plastic under the bottum.
Adjust the pod. Without the batteries! Tried everytime a little more until the light didn't go on. Just a little bit back and WOW a 20 mW + laser. There goes 320mA to the diode. Perfect.
I've played a lot with it and keeps me amazing about the power of such a little thing /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif

But now the problem! I don't think i dropped it or something lijke that.
But when I push the bottum there is a less powerfull light. For about 5 seconds.
Afther this the light is more powerfull but still not as is has to be.

There is also light where it don't need to be!
This I have got more but normally it goes away afther cleaning the lens. Now this don't help.

Sombody familliar with this problems and had a cue what it could be? Please help.

p.s. I havn't opening the laser so dust is not the problem.

p.p.s When there is smoke you can see the beam very good.
. It is remarcable that i see two beams paralel.
. Its possible that a part of the beam hits something.
. So this could explain the light outside the spot.
. But still not why it is very dimmed for a few second.
. And still not go back the the 20 mW +
. I think it runs now afther the few seconds "warm up"
. about 7-10 mW
I have seen the beam splitting into two before and you will get a 'spill' of light where the beam(s) hit the side of the aperture.

Some 'spill' can be corrected by turning the diode although sometimes it can fix itself - try letting the laser run continuous for 1min and see if the problem gets better. If not then you are feeding too much into the MCA and it simply can't take it and the heat is causing too much of a shift. Try lowering the pot a touch...sometimes a higher/stable power can be acheived not just at the highest current but by finding the 'sweet' spot on the pot.

Welcome to CPF Uncleworm! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
LaserMod said:
I have seen the beam splitting into two before ...

Welcome to CPF Uncleworm! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Tnx for you're replay !
I think it is possible that the diode isn't perfect on his place. This should explain the parallel beam and the lower power. I think the lightbeam hits the metal end of my pointer. I still need to take some pics because explaining (in english) is impossible.
If this is the case, this wil explain why not all the light is in the spot. And why it's less powerfull. But NOT why the first seconds the beam is lower than 3 mW.
The only reason for this behavior I could imagane is that the when the laser warms up some things inside the laser expand because of the heat, and so some things comes better on his place.

Is it wrong to put some NiMH 800mA AAA batteries in the pointer? I think it can do not any harm but know not for sure. Ofcouse all my problems are also with normally alkaline batteries.

And thanks for you're welcome /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif I still need to introduce myself. But not in this tropic
oke, I've just opened the pointer and take the diode out of it. Could not see anything damaged or not clean. Put all back together and hoped it was solved, but NO the same problems.
What's the longest you've turned it on?
A modded pointer shouldn't be turned on continuously for more than a minute at a time...
And you should let it cool down for at least that much afterwards.
If you've let it run for more than that, it's possible your diode or crystal assembly suffered some heat damage.
I turned it on for more than 2 hours with no problem.
Afther this long run i've played a lot of time with no ploblem.
This problem came not at a special moment.
I've also discoverd that the fist seconds when the beam is very low. There a 3 parallel lines. Afther this time there are just 2 lines and a lot of more power. I need to get back one line. But how?
The light that's out of the spot is caused because the extra lines come against the metal dop.

So my problem is that there are more lines parllel. In the beginnen 3 afther a few seconds 2.

Could it be the vanedate thats broken? And is this possible because of the heat (320mA)?

I'm making some pics now
edit: done

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif Two hours is way way too long... the MCA has probably got a nice burn mark on it. Just a min is long enough to 'burn-in' a green pointer.

What a strange beam I said above I have seen the beam as viewed on the surface of the ir filter - split in two as the laser warms up too quickly. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif

BTW 800mah batteries are fine, they just give you a longer runtime...

Have you tried turning down the current? I think this will solve the problem. MCA's tend to like a certain amount of IR to convert...not too much, not too little.
double /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif
two hours is very very longg for a no-heatsink laser.....
on the other hand...having 3 beams does look pretty cool /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
no solution to your problem though /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif
Does the beam termination look like a green version of the predator laser sight? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/poke2.gif
i'm not sure but i think the heat is no prob, because i played a lot with it afther that long run.
I know for sure it isnt caused 'by the focus lens. Without this lens I have the same problem.
The output is very unstable. When 2 lines are burning the average is about 3mW and with 2 lines 7.5mW.
I don't think the MCA is resonsible for this. It could be the diode itself or the vanadate. (kristal 808 --> 1064)
I think i'm going to check this out by opening the diode. And try only the diode itself without any kristals.
Of course i'm very carefull (200+mW)