Prometheus Lights - The Showcase Gallery

Prometheus lights are hands down my favorite. Now the conundrum is Alpha vs Delta. Here's my black marble finish. I may have to add a third Delta in the future...Titanium vs Hex?

I got a black marble one from the last drop coming.
How durable is the finish?
I got a black marble one from the last drop coming.
How durable is the finish?
Congrats! I find it to be very durable. I haven't had any issues with it, although it hasn't been heavily carried. I'd say it's had about a total of two months pocket time and no issues.
Great shot is that using macro? Also looks somewhat polished?
Thank you! I just took it with my iPhone 12, no macro. And no polishing just how it came to me from prometheus! Did you ever get yours?
Is that satin black finish I see? The one that had red thread lock.
Unfortunately, YES.
The one and only run of these four different finishes together were not supposed to glued shut,
But they were. Can't take back which has already been done, and was protested at the time. It was resolved
in the future runs of the produced Satin Electroless Nickel and HAIII Black as are now offered and sold.
There were less than 125 samples of each of the experimental finishes that were produced and exist.
These first run lights were also logo'd with both the Prometheus and FourSevens logo's, of which have not been
re-produced since the original experimental run of the P1's finishes to date.
Accept If You own one, they will continue to be sought after P1's that will not depreciate nearly as much as of the
later run's of P1's. Please keep these limited run grouped P1 flashlight's together to better preserve the history of
47's. It's all up to us us the buyers and users of these special first run P1 lights to make that happen.