PT Attitude/Impact or Lightwave 2000/2100?

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Nov 25, 2002
Maine USA
Does anyone have 2 or more of these 4? I'm looking for something small that'll take some cheap and easily obtainable batteries (meaning not 123s) but is stronger than my Arc AAA or Infinity.
Or is there something else you'd recommend instead of these (I'm also considering an Opalec but I already have one).
Newbie screwup ;(

Can a moderator please move the prior message to the LED forum for me, and delete this one.

My apologies. Won't happen again (I hope!!!!)

I have all three, love them all, get one of each!
Seriously though, any special criteria? The attitude is good because it is sturdy and very easily carried. I just plain like the LW 2000, semms a bit more brighter to me with the 4leds, am unsure if it can run on lithiums though, but I like it also due to its size. Offers a firm grasp for my hands and like it in the back pocket, due to its length it will reach all the way down in and [to me] offers better security from falling out while still being able to be drawn out quickly. Plus it too is sturdy.

I have the impact also, again sturdy, but it puts out a spot and beam more like a traditional incan flashlight would, as opposed to the flood light effect from the other two.

I say check out various member sites for reviews and impressions [remember that your personal opinion is whats important in the end]. You could post in the B/S/T forum to see if anyone has some used ones for sale. That is how I got my 2 attitudes, the LW, and the Impact. And they are in practically new condition. Personally I'd say start with the attitude [you'll love it IMO].
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