PT Attitude Story *Moved to LED area*

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Wow!! I finally had a legitimate use for my wonderful new PT Attitude!! I bought it last Thursday, and aside from playing with it
It got its first test of usefulness... and needless to say.. it passed!!

My friend had to replace his brake light switch in his '99 Suburban, and asked... "Hey, do you have that flashlight with you?" and let me tell you... it was like.. a flashaholics dream come true!! I was like.. "yup right here.." and whipped out the trusty PT Attitude... his first reaction was... "Woah, this light is COOL!!" and "man, it's BRIGHT!" I have to admit there was some great satisfaction, and after having it on for about an hour and a half straight... it's still as bright as when I bought it!!! Woohoo!!!! I love LED lights!
You know, that is the beauty of LED's. The two things that the average person does with a new light (tell me if I am wrong!) is:

1. Look at the bulb when it is on!
2. See how far the beam will travel in total darkness.

Most LED lights win the first one, but loose the second one. BUT, when someone needs a light in arms length, like say, electronics, or for an electriction, or computers, or mechanics, when you are working in that 0-10 foot range, the LED's really impress people.

When they actually use the light, it blows them away!
I used my PT Attitude yesterday in a software presentation. I was in a conference room and the lights would not dim. They were either on or off. I had my lovely assistant hold the PT Attitude over the keyboard. Needless to say I don't know if the customer will buy the software but several people wanted to know about the light. I explained to them the basics of led lights and told them if the bought the Software module each end user would get a PT Attitude.
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