PTec, StreamLight, UKinetics which is best quality?

Wits' End

Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 27, 2001
Remote NEast Minnesota, next to Lake Superior
I only have experience with a few of the PT lights and none w/ SL or UK. I like the hard plastic the PT lights are made with, and the quality has been good over all. I'd like a general idea of the quality of the other two. The UK and PT lines seem similar are they generaly equal? I'm more interested in the pocketable lights in all the lines. Any input is welcome though. How do they handle warranty issues, any cheers or jeers there would be helpfull.
I have (or have had) the PT Tec40, Rage, Attitude and Aurora. The build quality of all of the units has been fine. I've never used their warranty service.

I only have the UK 4AA AS2 for other experience. A very well designed and built light! No warranty experience.
I have a UKE 2L and a PT Blast.
In my opinion the plastic UKE uses seems of better quality than that of the PT.

Uke lights/bodys are also tougher in general.

If you want a non desctructable light than you should go with UKE. But a PT is also not bad.

My first choice is UKE.
PT uses Xenoy plastic which is a GE produced thermoplastic. They are also using Lexan which is also GE produced.

I beleive that UK is still using basic ABS plastic - kind of out of date really.

Streamlight products vary up and down the range in quality of materials - from very good to below average.

Just a sum up...
Originally posted by Wits' End:
UK feel [vs] PT lights? I prefer the hard plastic of PT as opposed to the softer more "tactile" plastic...
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">I'm holding the Rage in one hand and the UK 4AA in the other...not enough difference to make it worth describing.
the PT line are fine lights. the lens is glass and not plastic like uk.
Streamlight products vary up and down the range in quality of materials - from very good to below average.

Boy, I would have put it the other way:

To me, the PT lights are cute, techno-geeky lights, and I like them. The Streamlights and UK's are what professionals that need flashlights use.

On the plastics - every one is pretty old technology. GE plastic was cutting edge...about 20 years ago. The Streamlight and UK 4AA's aren't brittle (as some flashlights are), they won't shatter if dropped, and are tough enough for people to mount them to fire helmets and risk their lives with. With all due respect, what more can you ask?

Just my 2 cents. Everyone has a different experience and perspective.
Originally posted by Albany Tom:
To me, the PT lights are cute, techno-geeky lights, and I like them. The Streamlights and UK's are what professionals that need flashlights use.

Gotta respectfully disagree on that one...I own versions from all three and don't see a discernible quality difference...only certain features that differ. I think it's speculation or personal observation only to say that Streamlights & UK's are what professionals need or observation is that both PT & UK are slanted toward the diving market and Streamlight more toward mainstream/LEO markets. I use all three and Pelican (& still own a Tekna light, too). All serve me well when I pick the light with the feature I need for the job at hand.
I'd like to give "Cheers" to Princeton Tec for customer service.

Sent e-mail once to inquire about purchasing a couple of spare batt compartment end caps for the Vortec, because eventually I'd probably manage to lose one. In so many words, I said I really liked the light and found it to be a great value.

I received no reply, but within a week, I received four brand new end caps for my Vortec!

I sent another e-mail and offered to pay since my unit was not defective in any way - still no reply...

Go figure!

I have had 3 UKE 2AAA lights for 10 years now. Each one gets a lot of use. Never had a problem and I like them alot. They are very durable and lightweight. Just got my first PT a week or two ago. No problems, I expected the beam to be cleaner from what I'd read, but it's still better than most. UKE seems to use smaller heads than PT and throws a longer,tighter beam. UKE's are more compact and fit in the pocket better, generally. PT has bigger heads and more spill light with a bigger hot spot. Depends what you need for the task at hand I guess. Both are good.
Only PT I have is the Aurora--I'd have more if it didn't go "wink....wink............wink....wink"

I have three SL Septors--not greatest, but more useful (and larger) than the Aurora, but also I believe a rebranded Chinese light.

The UKE SL6 and 4AA with Switch as well as the 2AAA (both straight and folded) are all fine. No complaints.

The SL 4AA and 3C LEDs are fine.

I have a SL4AA7LED and UKE 4AA with switch in my tool case. They seem about the same quality.


Originally posted by tkl:
the PT line are fine lights. the lens is glass and not plastic like uk.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Huh?
My PT-20, PT-40, and PT-Impact are all plastic.
Where do they use glass?
The point I was making about Streamlight, without going directly to it, is that they have several chinese made lights whose quality is not as good as the rest.

You are right, different lights for different reasons and many different persepctives - this is why I own them all.
The Septor is Chinese made and it's not quite up to the quality of SL4AA7LED, but on the other hand, it doesn't have the annoying (or is it ennoying?) wink-wink--------wink-wink of the PT Aurora which, to me, makes the Aurora useless as a night-time reading light.

Hence, I own a Septor and my two boys each got Septors for Christmas.


Originally posted by rlhess:
...wink-wink of the PT Aurora ...useless as a night-time reading light
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">As far as I can tell only the lowest power mode does this "tick-tick" winking. The medium and high power modes are smooth and are fine for reading.
There is an artifact in the mid-power mode of the "tick-tick" winking and I'm too cheeeeep (who let that birdie in) and it's too annoying to my wife to run on the high-power mode.


Originally posted by Tesla:
Originally posted by Albany Tom:
To me, the PT lights are cute, techno-geeky lights, and I like them. The Streamlights and UK's are what professionals that need flashlights use.

Gotta respectfully disagree on that one...I own versions from all three and don't see a discernible quality difference...only certain features that differ. I think it's speculation or personal observation only to say that Streamlights & UK's are what professionals need or observation is that both PT & UK are slanted toward the diving market and Streamlight more toward mainstream/LEO markets. I use all three and Pelican (& still own a Tekna light, too). All serve me well when I pick the light with the feature I need for the job at hand.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">More likely my feelings toward the gee-wiz features of some of the PT headlamps, and the see through case of the Attitude that I associate with "gadget". UK and PT are certainly both known for well made dive lights, and I've heard of people here using both UK and Streamlight for firefighting, didn't think PT was a major player in that field...didn't think they had anly lights rated for hazardous locations, but I've been wrong so many times I've lost track.
I have to agree with yall about Streamlight. Most of the lights I have purchased from them (or have seen) are Execllent. The Stinger series, the XL-20 and 35, they are as professional, and well built and robust as you can get! The LED 4AA, and 3C, are also very nice, well made, solid lights. Most of the LEO's in north America depend on Streamlights every day.

HOWEVER, I purchased a TopSpot 2 for a friend, and while it is a great idea, it is a piece of junk. I also have a WOW, and while a little better than the TopSpot 2, still, it is nothing to write home about.

That TopSpot 2 was such a piece of junk, I could not believe it was from Streamlight.
Thanks for that input I'm debating with myself about a couple lights and I just wanted some generalities. It looks like all would agree that in most cases you can't go wrong w/ any of them. I'll probably go by price and if I can find all the lights on one site. Save on shipping-- cheeeeep (who let that birdie in), Richard keep your birds in your own frame