Q5 Fenix'es Appear as Soon as my Rebel Order is Filled...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 7, 2007
OK, I know it happens all the time, but I JUST finished putting in my Xmas shopping order for a half dozen Rebel Premium 100 Fenix'es of L2Ds and P3Ds, and TWO DAYS LATER all these Premium Q5s appear at the same price! :ohgeez: Now I just have to get my mind right, and keep repeating to myself, "Human brightness perception is logarithmic. Human brightness perception is logarithmic." (Two days!) :green:
OK, I know it happens all the time, but I JUST finished putting in my Xmas shopping order for a half dozen Rebel Premium 100 Fenix'es of L2Ds and P3Ds, and TWO DAYS LATER all these Premium Q5s appear at the same price! :ohgeez: Now I just have to get my mind right, and keep repeating to myself, "Human brightness perception is logarithmic. Human brightness perception is logarithmic." (Two days!) :green:

I feel your pain my friend. I was about to order a premium 100 myself... thankfully I hesitated.

Think of it this way... there's no way you would ever be able to tell the difference between the Q5 and the Rebel 100 in terms of brightness... but damn I know that doesn't really help. :)
I think, other than a slightly different beam, the only difference is with statisticians and light meter buffs! :)

From what I've been hearing, most people can't even tell the difference between an old L2D CE (P4?) and the L2D rebel with the naked eye. The difference is supposedly even less with the Q5, so I wouldnt even think about it at all.
There are probably some tint differences as well. Some prefer Rebel tint which to my eye has a slight rose shade to it, and some prefer the Q series which to my eye can have some green to it. It is very subjective and can drive you nuts. I have both the Q5 and Rebel 100 and on any given day it is different as to which I like better.
I have a Fenix P1D-CE/Q5 and and L2Tv2 RB80. They are not the same light, so I won't compare them directly, but I like them both and they both have nice beams. However, without taking them both out right now I can tell you that the beam on the L2Tv2 with the Rebel is a thing of beauty. If these are gifts, I can assure you there is no problem with the Rebel, many people prefer it. The problem is with these new LEDS there will be some variation and specfic samples of either one may look better than samples of the other one, or even of the same one. So rest assured as gifts you got quality stuff, they should be estatic they are not getting Lux III.
I think, other than a slightly different beam, the only difference is with statisticians and light meter buffs! :) Dave

I hear you, Dave. Problem is, I am a statistician, and I own a Gossen light meter. :sick2:
Bolster, As I have said in other posts, there will always be the "next big thing" around the corner. Just buy the light on its own merits. It's not obselete just a different variation like Chevy VS. Ford
A similar thing happened to me... although I received my two P3D R100's last week.

I am just going to wait a couple of generations before I upgrade.

The Rebel 100's that I have are amazing... the hassle of selling them is not worth it -- for me at least.
The cree Q5 may be brighter, but the trade-off you get with the rebel is a better tint. I've just ordered a P3DR100 even if I knew that the brighter Q5 version was coming out soon, because tint and color rendition is, in my opinion, more important than pure lumen rating.

What would you choose: a 500 lumen green light that shifts every color, or a 100 lumen perfect white light with a good color rendition?
My giftees and I will be fine with the Rebels, but I do appreciate the sympathy and the opportunity to vent a little steam.

I am curious however, in the afi's perception of the differences. In the P3D it might actually count for something, as the P3D Q5 is advertised at +20 more lumens in turbo mode.
What would you choose: a 500 lumen green light that shifts every color, or a 100 lumen perfect white light with a good color rendition?

Well, I know what the correct answer is, but I'm a newbie, sooo.... immaturity might rear its ugly green head...

Thankfully you've given me a reason to help reduce my cognitive dissonance. :laughing:
I knew the Q5 were coming out when I ordered my pd3 premium rebels the beam and tint are amazing.
I've had two Fenix lights with cree and both had terrible ringy beams even with the op reflector.
Imagine my heartbreak to find out there was a new 3x CD Rom drive out just after I bought my 2x drive ;)
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well, i also ordered the p2d rebel last week. Well, as for the Q5 version, i think im still okay with the rebel.. now if they release it with a P2D RB120 or something, that would hurt! hehe