Q's on Opalec NewBeam


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 16, 2001
St. Pete, Fl.
Q\'s on Opalec NewBeam

After my delight with the PT Attitude (which I bought after seeing reccomendations here) I am now thinking of Getting the NewBeam LED upgrade for the AA Mini Mag. So I have some questions for the more informed.
Does the upgrade allow for focusing the beam as with the original bulb?
Can you easily convert back and forth from original bulb (or the Nexstar which I use) and the NewBeam?
Will the metal body of the Mini Mag retain it's sturdiness in this configuration (drop proof)?
Is the whole ordeal worth it to spend the money?

I was sold on LED after getting my PT. Personally I feel there is no comparison, it blows the Mini Mag away. All it took was taking the plunge to get one and I fell in love with it as soon as I turned it on.
Thanks for any input.
Re: Q\'s on Opalec NewBeam

No, you can not focus the New Beam.
Yes, you can convert back and forth, but it's nothing I'd want to do with any regularity.
Yes, just as durable.
Is it worth it? In my opinion, Yes.
Re: Q\'s on Opalec NewBeam

No, you can not focus this unit. Yes you can easily switch back and forth. I feel that the light is more drop proof with the Newbeam b/c the LED's will not break and leave you without light. As far as is it worth it? Yes very much so over twice the battery life, constant light output, and you don't have to replace the lamp.
Re: Q\'s on Opalec NewBeam

What they said
Re: Q\'s on Opalec NewBeam

I have both the Olapec newbeam, and 3! Princeton Tec Attitudes. I like them both. The Attitude is both shorter, smaller and lighter than the newbeam, and suprisingly rugged, considering that it is plastic. I have 3 of them on my dog leash, and they have been dropped (more like pulled out of my hand!) many times, with only superficial scratches.

My opinion, was that, on new batteries, the Attitude is slightly brighter than the newbeam, however, the newbeam maintains the same brightness, whereas the attitude will get dimmer than the newbeam after 30-40 hours (my actual experience, not a guess).

That said, my favorite daily light to use inside the house, is the newbeam.

I have brighter lights, dimmer lights, more expensive lights, smaller lights, etc, but I really like the newbeam. I like it's constant light output, the red led that comes on when the batteries wear down, the "just right" amount of light for walking around the house at midmight without messing up my night vision (or more accurately, my sleep vision!) I have a tailcap on it, and it is about a 50 dollar lights! (lot of $ for a 3 led light!)

Now, with that said, if you are just collecting, get 'em all! BUT, the two lights are very similar. Both are 3 LED lights. I would get something different, for now. You can get similar lights later.

Suggestions would be:

-Streamlight 4 AA , 7 LED light
-ARC AAA (LE, if you can find it)
-a Luxeon Star from one of the mod's here

and DON'T discount incandescents!

consider the
-Princeton Tec Surge
-Brinkmann Legend LX
-Any SureFire (expensive)

If you haven't tried these lights, you will expericnce something similar to your LED experience! These are incredibly superior from that dinky old 2 D cell light with the magnet hanging on someone's refrigerator somewhere!

Or even one of the million CP plus rechargable lights.

Most of these are in the same price range as the newbeam.

My first suggestions would be the Streamlight 4AA, 7 LED light, or the Brinkmann Legend LX.

But hey, get 'em all!
Re: Q\'s on Opalec NewBeam

My Opalec Newbeam kit arrived yesterday. I LOVE this thing! I also have a Arc AAA, Infinity with black dot removed, and the Tikka. They all have their place but I know the Opalec Minimag is the light I'll grab for most things around the house. It plenty bright enough for almost anything. For the 2% of the time I need something brighter, I'll use the Surefire. Now that I have the Opalec, I'm not sure I need a Luxon Star based light anymore. I know the Opalec is not even close in brightness to a Luxon Star light but it'll be pretty rare that I'll need more brightness than the Opalec.
Re: Q\'s on Opalec NewBeam

I also find myself using my Opalec more than any of my other LEDs.
The other thing I like is that there are already a lot of existing accessories for the mini-mag which increase it's usefulness.
I have one of those Nite Ize Grip N Clip sheaths along with the head strap.
I usually have the head strap in my day sack so if I do need both hands I've got the option of using the Opalec as a head light.
In my home we now have a plastic bag for dead batteries and a plastic bag for dead aa batteries waiting to be processed by the Opalec and despite using the Opalec at every given opportunity the aa bag is filling up with each passing week.
We have a digital camera that takes 4 aa's, when the red light comes on telling me the batteries are flat I can get about 4 hours on the Opalec before the Opalecs red light comes on, that's 8 hours of bright light on "dead" batts.
I like the feeling of putting in dead batteries and getting the same brightness I would get if I shoved in some brand new Duracel Ultras, it kind a makes me feel as though I'm getting away with something I shouldn't be.
I keep thinking the "battery police" are going to be ringing my door bell sometime soon.

Re: Q\'s on Opalec NewBeam

Buy some Nimh rechargables. They will work better in your Digi cam. And work great in the new beam too. You'll save money in the long run. Keep the battery police off your back.
Re: Q\'s on Opalec NewBeam

cave dave,

Couldn't agree more, I actually bought a charger and some Ni-Mh 1900mAh batts 3 days ago after getting fed up with camera giving me the red light treatment after taking only a few photos.
Well that and the sound advise of the good folks at Candle Power Forums with regards to running the Tec40 with Ni-Mh and a KPR 103.
I'm really going to be getting into using rechargeable batteries but I think the Opalec will still be running on Alkalines as it's so cheap to use and there's still the issue of my plastic bag and the copious amounts of half dead aa's waiting to be put out of their misery.
Re: Q\'s on Opalec NewBeam

Uh-oh, something happened today.

I saw the post about the 7 LED Streamlight. My eyes widened and my breath quickened. I've been wanting to see how one would fair, but didn't want to spend the money for the Lightwave and I wasn't thrilled with them being C celled. It has always been my contention that with today's technology, so much better could be had than what is offered out there. This one would fall into my "better" catagory. Smaller,common inexpensive batteries, and LED technology. Had my mind set on the Streamlight until reading BuddTX's reply. Cost about the same, hmm, maybe I could get the opalec later...or get them both! Man, you guys are a bad influence.

Aww, it ain't so bad.
Re: Q\'s on Opalec NewBeam

Just received my Newbeam today, and it's one nifty module. I hooked it up to a variable power supply and measured it on my lightmeter as I varied the power supply- absolutely zero change in brightness within its input range.
I saw the current draw drop as the voltage input went up, and go up as the voltage input went down; from about 70mA to 235mA, at which point the threshold was reached and the red LED went on.

My only wish would be to put it in something a smaller than the mini Mag; as nice as it is, it's just a bit bulky for EDC/ENC=(All The Time Carry)

I had some ready for throwaway AAA's, and it still lit up for a good long time before I got bored and disconnected it- surprising it doesn't drop completely out much faster considering the high current draw at the lower voltages.

By the way, when plugging it into the light, match up the third LED with the side contact, which is the negative contact. This should avoid having to plug it in twice, if you're the unlucky type with 50/50 odds.
Re: Q\'s on Opalec NewBeam

>> I'm not sure I need a Luxon Star based light anymore. <<

Who here buys a light because they need it?
I buy em cuz I gotta have em.
Re: Q\'s on Opalec NewBeam

It was approximately 6.4V; at about 7V it was 63mA. I didn't want to go beyond that to avoid damage; my supply can go to 30V, and I wouldn't do that unless I found a barrelful of these-

The x-axis numbers here don't represent voltage; just the data points; just did a plot for a visual aid..

V mA
1.8 161
1.86 176
1.94 224
1.98 210
2.75 174
3.6 128
4.8 91.5
5.4 80.3
5.92 74.2
6.4 69.3
7 63
Re: Q\'s on Opalec NewBeam

Originally posted by Wingerr:
My only wish would be to put it in something a smaller than the mini Mag.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Yup, I had the same thought. So my buddy Doug built this single 123 light around the Opalec module.


Re: Q\'s on Opalec NewBeam

That's a nice piece! Pretty mod light-
I'd like something using 2xAAA, so I could take advantage of the boxfuls of batteries I have; use 'em all up- Problem is the diameter is too large for that, since I like all my lights with totally cylindrical configuration, rather than the headed type; a la Arc AAA, Infinity. The Mag just uses up more space than is needed with a simpler contact switch setup like the Infinity.
Something like an elongated Infinity body and contact setup would be ideal for me-
Re: Q\'s on Opalec NewBeam

When ever I get an Opalec
I'm thinking about trying to get it into a PT Blast. A short barrel machined for a single 123, a Kroll switch and a Mini-Mag head would also be cool. Of course an E1 mod is also great, just expensive.