quality laser


Newly Enlightened
Dec 7, 2004
I am new to lasers and would like to get a small green laser. The most important thing to me is quality. Who makes the Surefire equivalent in lasers?
what do you plan to do with the laser? what are your wants for the laser?

best in ultimate portability:
wickedlaser or leadlight

best in overall portability w/ power:
CNI PGLIII (size of a surfire tactical light)

not sure about non portable units w/ cooling...

if youre concern is only playing around, i would really recommend a wickedlaser. theyre lots of fun for and the beam is clearly visible on the higher powered units. if you want your own version of a light saber, PGLIII... youll pay for it though. Im running a group buy on them now if youre interested... theyre anywhere from around $300-$700 depending on what power you get.
I got in to lasers about six months ago and was of course interested in quality like you and then where the best value place to buy, I chose a Leadlight from AtlasNova I splashed out and bought a 18mW, and when I tried it, WOW...Amazing! I am now hooked /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/happy14.gif and have ordered a CNI PGLIII from SuperBert's group buy. So if you if you live in Oz you can buy my Leadlight /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
If you want it small, green and legal with the highest quality, a Jasper from bigha might be your ticket.

I have 4 and the best quality so far is the "Jasper."

They are coming out with a mount (telescope) for it in the Spring-- it lacks the 'pocket clip' and is about 2 x 12 cm in size. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
I would like to get one around 50mw from wickedlaser but woreyed about inporting/legeal stuf with getting one (dont wont one bad enouf to get in trouble for it /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/whoopin.gif). Ile end up getting a jasper soon to /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/buttrock.gif, best of buth wordls for me...