Quality of Streamlights

I have used an SL20 for about 12 years with no problems.

We now have 3 SL 20s and an ultraStinger in addition to 3 regular stingers.

No problems ever. Great lights and dependable.

You wont go wrong with them
Thanks Ghost and Redbird for your replies.
All other replies are most welcome ! I am thinking of investing in a couple of propolymers.
I have a few scorpions as backup lights and I am impressed. They have a smooth even beam much like a surefire but cost half as much as a 6P.
The Ultrastinger casts a irregular beam but it is pretty darn bright for its cost. When I called streamlight to inquire if this was abnormal, they sent out a new bulb and reflector which made it much better. Their service is good...
Has anyone ever had problems any of the Streamlight products?
JoeyL, I am curious what do you mean by "irregular". I liked my first Ultra Stinger so much I bought a second. When you got a new reflector, did you get the entire head? I can't figur out how you could take out just the reflector.

And to answer the first question, I have an SL-20, SL-35, two each; Stingers, Ultra Stinger. I have never had a problem with any of these. We have about 40 Stingers in use where I work and I have not heard of any problems with them either.

I sure wouldn't worry about the quality of Streamlights, Surefires, or Mag-Lite's. All three are top notch in the quality department.
As far as Stingers go, I've never cared for the fact that they always have a dark spot and or ring right in the middle of the beam. I don't have a scorpion to comment on. I prefer the MagCharger to the SL20X/XP or SL35X, but that's my preference. The MagCharger is slightly shorter than a SL20X and a bit lighter if memory surves my correct, and in regard to the SL35X, it has bright beam, but it's like wielding Darth Maul's LightSaber, a bit of overkill. And in regard to the UltraStinger, my Surefire 9P, puts out a brighter beam. I'll have a turbo head for my 9P soon to truly compare to an UltraStinger soon enough.
When I received my Ultrastinger, I could not get it to focus down to a bright spot without a central dark spot. At its tightest spot, it also was a wide oval, about 1:3 ratio. When I talked to the service department, he said they had a recent batch of bad reflectors. He said they had to return half of them for problems to their manufacturer. He sent me out the whole head, which definitely made it better.

For example, before the swap, it wouldn't really light up distant objects very well. Now it will illuminate objects 150 feet away clearly.

I like this light! It looks good too.
JoeyL, Ah, I see. Both of the ones I have can be focused with no central dark spot and really reach out there. I haven't measured it but the Ultra Stinger reaches farther than the next best I have owned, which is the SL-35X.

I would love to try some of the highpowered Surefires. I have a 10x on reserve with Bright Guy. I just can't afford to feed something like the M6. The Surefire 9N (early model) I have doesn't have anywhere near the reach of the Ultra Stinger. Though it is better for up close work.
Here's an update on the Ultrastinger: I really like this light. It does throw a good even beam for a very long distance. The mild irregularity of the spot is not noticeable at distances over 25 feet. In fact, at 50 feet it is actually better than an M3 with a 125 lumen lamp (to me) in terms of visibility and brightness. Both spots are even and round. The M3 is better with a 225 lumen lamp, but the light color is whiter with the UStinger. At 125 feet the M3 beam is too wide to see things clearly compared to the UStinger.

I really like this light for its cost and recharge feature.

Can anyone who has both a turbo head for any SureFire and an UltraStinger compare their beams at distances of 50 or more feet?

To properly compare the UltraStinger to a SureFire you have to compare it to a similiar light. An M3 is not a spot light, if you're going to compare it to another light, you need to compare it to a SureFire TurboHead flashlight and an M3T would fit that bill.
I have another question. If you focus the MagCharger and the UltraStinger to their tightest beam, which one will reach further and by how many feet / meters? Emeraldwolf?

I am not emeraldwolf, but we did this last night at work. The Ultra Stinger reaches farther and is whiter. I don't know about actual distances, but it was pretty obvious.
I have the pro polymers in 2AA and 4AA.

I really like the smaller 2AA, the beam is tighter and amazingly bright. The 4AA seems to have a wider beam with a "shadow" in the center, and is somewhat brighter. I really like the instant button switch on the end of these. Great values.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Velcro:
I have another question. If you focus the MagCharger and the UltraStinger to their tightest beam, which one will reach further and by how many feet / meters? Emeraldwolf?
Greetings, Velcro

I'll get back to you all with the results of the Magcharger vs. UltraStinger and SureFire 6PT/9PT vs. UltraStinger.
Just got a 4AA w/tailcap switch that didn't work.
Emailed S.L. and will be sending back .First problem in about 8 flashlights from them,is fixable.