Quark slate blue, gotta have it

These are beautiful and I am a sucker for hi CRI and 4000K. It's too bad I didn't see these before they sold out. I know there are AA versions still available but it's the QK16L that fits my bill. I asked if they had plans to make more and the answer was not at this time. If anybody ends up wanting to sell a slate blue QK16L please PM me as I would definitely be interested. I have one of the new Maelstrom MXS ordered with the Nichia 144A and a regular QK16L since these aren't available. I am quite excited for that and can't wait to get them!
Has anyone tried the 2xAA head on a single AA body yet? Based on the voltage input range it looks like it should work, just with a lower max output. Based on previous Quarks, maybe 120 or so lumens when driven by a single AA NiMH?
Has anyone tried the 2xAA head on a single AA body yet? Based on the voltage input range it looks like it should work, just with a lower max output. Based on previous Quarks, maybe 120 or so lumens when driven by a single AA NiMH?
It certainly does work as the official site says so, however I've always wondered what the lumen specs would be as these numbers are not listed.

I've lost track on how many times I've thought about ordering another Quark (I only have an older QPA model), hower the memory mode on the newer MKIII just kills me as I know I couldn't live with that.

FWIW, my older 1AA QPA is rated at 131 lumens if I recall correctly, so I assume the MKIII 2AA on a 1AA body would be around the same, prob a bit higher.

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