Question about Eternalight.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 30, 2001
Pamplona- NA- Spain
What could hapPen if I try to drive 8 Nichias with one Eternalight?. I would try this soldering one new LED on each existing LED on parallel.
Thanks in advance.
It might work. I would recommend going to Radio Shack and getting some of those little red and black wires with mini clips on the end. Then, you can try this experiment without even touching a soldering iron. Then, if it works, you can make it permenant.

I would also try this: turn the unit on high, and measure the voltage across each LED. Then, rank the LED's in order of highest to lowest voltage.

Then, hook your individual LEDs up to a power supply through a resistor. Then, measure the voltage and rank them in a similar fashion.

Then, when you pair a new LED up with an existing LED, match the highest voltage LED to the highest voltage LED and so on. This is a crude attempt at LED matching so that approximately the same current will flow through each one. It would also be better if the new LEDs were of the same type as the existing one. But if not, try it anyways...
I would probably just buy this instead. I have one. I modified it slightly with a 10 turn precision pot and I am REALLY pleased with it.

FYI...I semi-trashed an Eternalight chip trying to do something like what you are wanting to do. It works now, but strangely. I must have zapped something. I accidently powered it up without a light connected....not all the features work correctly now.



Don't Snoozzzz! Check this site frequently...I have a feeling that a new child is about to be born any day now!
I think I remember Gadget telling me that he modified some eternalights like this...and they worked just fine. (Where is he, by the way?)

Anyways, that would be 8 led eternalight....something the company even proposed but still hasn't done!

Kenbar, what housing are you using for the versalux? I still haven't found a compact one I'm happy with...I'd like to use 4 AA's...
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by roger:
I think I remember Gadget telling me that he modified some eternalights like this...and they worked just fine. (Where is he, by the way?)

Anyways, that would be 8 led eternalight....something the company even proposed but still hasn't done!

Kenbar, what housing are you using for the versalux? I still haven't found a compact one I'm happy with...I'd like to use 4 AA's...

Gadget is at his new job... no more play time LOL!

I am using a project box that is about the size of 4 C cells...which I am using to power it. It is running pretty much forever. I am thinking of getting one of those Dorcy, square, 4 D cell camping/lantern type flashlights and using it. It would run forever...

I have found nothing for 4 AA....that is that will fit. They all seem to be 2mm too small. I am sort of tempted to get 2 and run off 2 9 volt in parallel. Lots of cases would allow that.

I guess my big hold up is waiting for the Arc LS. All of the things I want to do cost 100 bucks or so..

I still believe in Santa..
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> Kenbar, what housing are you using for the versalux? I still haven't found a compact one I'm happy with...I'd like to use 4 AA's... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

If the size of about 80% of a small paper back would work, Hosfelt has a box like this. It has built in 4 AA and enough room on the other end for a pot/module etc.

I would like it about half the size is the only problem....and I like the one I have now so I don't want to fork out another 50 bucks just yet.

The problem is I really love the light. I also am very fond of the current consumption at/above 6 volts.
Thanks Ted....!!
That is exactly what I am looking for.
I want something that is "worthy" of a $50 buck payload. These look really nice.
I will spend more time at the site later.
Well,test done. And as I supposed driving two LEDs , does not make them as bright as bright as the single LED. I will try now using 4 cells, or 5 NiMH. 6 v could be too much for the standard Eternalight, but it could be OK for the doble LED home mod. Will post results...and of course any suggestion or information will be wellcome.
You might try and email Mr Eternalight and ask the master..

He was able to help me in the mod I made to one of his products. He also gave some very explicit advice on what not to do and what to do.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KenBar:
I have found nothing for 4 AA....that is that will fit. They all seem to be 2mm too small. I am sort of tempted to get 2 and run off 2 9 volt in parallel. Lots of cases would allow that.

How about using one of those Energizer LED Lanterns from Walmart for $9? They hold 4 AAs in a very compact case. It already has a 3 position switch. The part that holds the LEDs tilts and the whole thing can be suspended from a hook or lanyard.

You could just graft the Versalux onto the part that already holds the existing 2 LEDs. You could probably set the switch to turn either those on or the Versalux on (2 brightness levels with an easy switch).

(Energizer review)