It might work. I would recommend going to Radio Shack and getting some of those little red and black wires with mini clips on the end. Then, you can try this experiment without even touching a soldering iron. Then, if it works, you can make it permenant.
I would also try this: turn the unit on high, and measure the voltage across each LED. Then, rank the LED's in order of highest to lowest voltage.
Then, hook your individual LEDs up to a power supply through a resistor. Then, measure the voltage and rank them in a similar fashion.
Then, when you pair a new LED up with an existing LED, match the highest voltage LED to the highest voltage LED and so on. This is a crude attempt at LED matching so that approximately the same current will flow through each one. It would also be better if the new LEDs were of the same type as the existing one. But if not, try it anyways...