Question about P60 size vs. P90


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 19, 2006
Plattsburgh, NY
Are the P60 and P90 LA's physically the same size? I am wondering because I am looking to put my old 9P bezel onto an E series body with an adapter, and want to take out the P90 and run something designed to handle 3-6V max. Anyone?
not sure I totally understand the full question...

but I can tell you that the P60 and P90, (and P61, and P91) are all the same size and shape. just different bulbs within.
Thank you very much, thats what I needed to know!

Since putting a turbohead on my 9P, I now have an extra bezel laying around. I was thinking about picking up the EC adapter and putting my 9P bezel on an extra E2 body that I have. Instead of underdriving the P90, I want to drop in a LA designed to run at ~3-6V instead. Just wanted to make sure that all these LA's that are designed to work in lights with the P60, would work in my P90 bezel. Thanks again!