Question : How to Gold coat to Q-III ?



Am going to make two ; one for me, one for CPF.
Any idea or any person who can do this, please contact by e-mail.

I hope someone answered the question for you. I am not too sure, but I believe if you are refering to a flashlight, you can get metal plated with gold like they do with chrome, just need to find a shop to do it.
Well, Warren was the first one (I think) that brought the QIII to our attention. Drawing upon all of the aspects of what makes a flashlight good, the QIII is probably best in class. While a gold version probably wouldn't sell very much in an open market, an extremely-limited edition like this would probably have some interested folks, especially if the LED was a lotto winner. Maybe some nice upgrades added in would be nice, like a UCL and stuff.

You know what would be cool is a gold-plated Arc. That would be sweet. .
Some metal platers offer this service. It's very dangerous as cyanide is involved, so a lot of guys don't handle it or 'farm it out'.

IIRC you'll need to strip the finish, polish it, then underplate with copper then nickel. A very thin plate of gold is then put on top.

I'd start with the folks that replate table silver and old car parts.

Doug Owen
Many years ago, when I worked for other company, we have presented a gold plated facsimile to Deutsch Telecom GmbH for celebrating hit 200,000set shipment.

I am not such a freak to EDC this golden flashlight (weak against scratch), just display in my showroom to celebrate my own small 2k pcs sales of this 'incredibly ugly light'. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

Thanks for all the information, guys.