Question on Glock Light reflector


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 4, 2005
San Jose, CA
I have a Glock Light for my Model 22. I like it's over and under battery placement that allows the width to be inline with the slide, something that makes sense for drawing from a holster; except that nobody is making the duty holster I want for it.

Anyways, my question is on the reflector. With the quality engineering that went into this light, I think they missed the boat when they used a smooth surfaced reflector that gives an uneven hot spot and other terms I'm unfamiliar with. Basically the beam quality is that of a 20th century flashlight. What I want to ask is; has anyone found a replacement textured reflector to bring the beam quality up to CPF standards?

Glock might also consider going to a luxeon led for their next gun light.
The glock light is a made by streamlight. I ahve both the M6 and M3 on my duty weapons, Glock 21c and 870 respectively. I do not have any problems with eithers hot spot. Could your bulb not be put in properly causing the defects??
I expect eventually all weapon lights will be led once the power levels come up. They need more throw and intensity.
The new gladdius may be an exception. Surefire is supposedly
working on a luxeon V for the X200. Though I expect the will abandon that and go to the new lux III. The current x200 are not quite bright as the stramlights especially if you get over 30 feet away.

Holsters? Have you checked Bladetech? I think they make them for the Glock light. Currently I use a Don Hume for my glock/m6 but have been looking for another. Gould and Goodrich might also be another good choice. They are revamping their holster line and have them for glock with lights.
I'm familiar with Streamlight, but I'm referring to the model made by Glock:

I did have a bladetech holster I got in Reno a few years ago. I later saw the model online that allows for a variety of light manufactures. I just didn't like the quality enough to considerate it as a regular carry. I thought by now there would be some improvements in the Glock light and lots of holsters available for it. Oh well.
Yes I understand that what I was saying is that stramlight MAKES the glock light. The only other holster you migh try is uncle mikes nylon. They mak one that is kind of a one size fits all. I am sorry to hear that about bladetech. I am comtemplating buying one for my nylon rig.
Streamlight makes a glock light, but I believe he is refering to the one that is manufactured by glock. If it is made by streamlight then it is not marked as such. I used to have the same light and had the same problem with the reflector giving some unwanted artifacts. I've heard of using satin scotch tape to even out a beam from a smooth reflector, but never tried it. Sorry if I wasn't much help.

just my $.02 and YMMV
Low battery I have been doing an pretty extensive net search
(I am injured and cant work.The net keeps me sane). The only holster I can find for the Glock light is the Bladetech. I think it looks good. It is different looking than the one they made a few years ago.
Thanks for looking oklalawman. That's also the only holster I've been able to find too.

Like you I'm online a lot due to injury. Mine was a knee injury from bowling.
Both the "GlockLight" and the "Streamlight handgun lights" are manufactured by Insight. Also, so is the H&K light.

The X200B has a 5W Luxeon in a reflector. The beam output is like that of the L4 (KL4 bezel).
Does the light uses lamp assemblies? Or does it have a stand alone reflector? Can the reflector be removed and replaced if need be?

If it is stand alone and can be replaced you can sputter the reflector with Krylon Clear Acrylic spraypaint. Do a light coat at first and then another until you get the desired effect. There are some people on this board who are really good at sputtering if you don't want to do it yourself. Looks like a stock orange peeled reflector when they are done. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Thanks Size 15 I could not think of Insights name

Wolfen The reflectors are seperate.
Looks like the reflector is sealed inside the adjustable end piece (not sure if bezel is the right word for it). Now that I got a good look I'm not sure I want to chance taking it apart any further for fear of damage. I'll just wait to see what Glock does on their next model.
Hi - I have been considering a weapons light as well. I looked at the SF X200 and the streamlight, as well as the dimensions of a pic. rail. to see what is the narrowest possible vs. available.

I can at most see 0.2 inches difference in width between any of the models, regardless of who makes them. I am just curious if you think this will make a difference ?

Size 15 points out that the X200B will be Lux V. If it is actually run at the full 5 watt level, I guess the heat will go into the gun ?

Thanks HarryN
i'm sorry to kill a wrongly known "fact" around here: the glock tactical light series is produced by glock themselves, not insight.

the reflector and resulting beam are indeed crap, as is the bezel/head itself, which is designed to be pulled out after a full turn to replace the bulb. but this design just uses two small "pins" to grab into the thread, which, when turned out a bit to focus the beam, has considerable play in all directions (in/out, slanting sideways) so it doesn't even hold the focus very well when holstering the weapon

the "head-thread-tube", reflector and lens are glued into the front ring of the bezel, so you have to open it by force, if you want to mod the reflector, should be possible though if you really must

the good points of the GTL series are: prize, very slim and light but durable design, watertight to 10m, let's say reasonable light output, the lasers hold their aim pretty well, overheating protection, models 22 and 52 can dim the visible light, 52 can also dim the IR-laser (which, if too strong, can mess up your night vision device)
Hi Al - I always assume continuous running when I buy a light, even if real life is different. If the X200 remains a 2 x 123 design, and the Lux V is run to similar output of a P61 lamp setup, then both light + batteries will be putting out something like 6 - 7 watts, at least for 20 - 30 min.

BTW - what is your observation on the width of these different models ? (vertical vs horizontal format) Despite the appearance, they are very close in width from the spec sheets.
that's the gtl 21 (i guess, since it's more popular than the dimmable 22) with incand and red laser

the new 51/52 have additional IR-illuminator and IR-laser, mainly for special forces of course
i don't see myself haunting my house with night vision goggles and IR-laser sights in the near future (fun but pricey toys o_O)

regarding the reflector and bezel/head issues, better don't expect any changes in the next few years ...
Well I guess I stand corrected regarding Insight and the GlockLight. Assumption is the mother and all that...

The X200B has the same output and runtime as the L4 (KL4 bezel). At least that has been the case of the ones I've seen so far.
lowbat I was on the safariland website and saw that they were now selling holsters for glocks with the glock lights.
I was tinkering/cleaning my streamlight and the beam quality went down. I reinstalled the bulb and reflector. At least on the sl it appears you can get the bulb out of focus.
You might also check with Safariland directly if you like the 6280 series holster. One of our guys recently had one custom made although he had to order it and it took several weeks.