I'm trying to find the best balance of "overdriving" the luxeon using 3 nimh cells (probably A or AA size) and a single luxeon with either a 1 ohm resistor or slightly greater. Here are my questions:
If my luxeons runs around 350ma at around 3.2 volts, I would be overdriving the luxeon to around 500ma when using a 1 ohm resistor and 3.6V.
However, as most of you know, nimh cells don't start out at 3.6V but more like 4.2V, etc. I am wondering if this 600-800+ma of current going to the luxeon during this period (until the voltage falls to a more stable 3.6V) will be ok for the luxeon. I will have the luxeon heatsinked very well...
I know some of you (lambda, Elektrolumens) have driven luxeons to >500ma with no problems. But since these leds are kind of expensive, I am wondering what the long term effects of this might be (assume that the luxeon will be very well heatsinked, of course).
If my luxeons runs around 350ma at around 3.2 volts, I would be overdriving the luxeon to around 500ma when using a 1 ohm resistor and 3.6V.
However, as most of you know, nimh cells don't start out at 3.6V but more like 4.2V, etc. I am wondering if this 600-800+ma of current going to the luxeon during this period (until the voltage falls to a more stable 3.6V) will be ok for the luxeon. I will have the luxeon heatsinked very well...
I know some of you (lambda, Elektrolumens) have driven luxeons to >500ma with no problems. But since these leds are kind of expensive, I am wondering what the long term effects of this might be (assume that the luxeon will be very well heatsinked, of course).