I built a 12-led maglite head replacement using this converter about a year ago and it works well.
I put two 5mm Nichia leds in series, with six sets in parallel for 12 total. In that layout, the converter pumps about 4.5 volts and, if memory serves, about 35 mA through each LED.
Two negatives to the RS board:
1. Efficiency is NOT good. However, it works and with D cells the efficiency isn't such a huge issue. Still, the converter eats a signficant amount of power. Can't recommend it for much of anything running off of AA or AAA batts.
2. The RS board is pretty big at 1 x 1.5 x .75 inches. I'm not familiar with any AA flashlights that will hold it.
The National Semiconductor's LM2621 demo board is much smaller, you can be make it smaller still, and isn't too hard to adapt to provide the power you need. A search on CPF for it will find you lots of information. This is a good board for someone with limited PCB assembly skills and a good choice to drive a LS in larger flashlights (it can also drive 5mm leds).
The Zetex 300 or ZLT+ board so well researched here by some very knowledgeable folks also has great potential. Even more data is available on it by search.