Home Depot has Black 2D M*gs for 12 bucks. So I grabbed one. Not having anything more than 3 EL 3-D and many assorted NimH, I began to test some things.
Batteries 4 across in a standard M*g:
I have some Rayovac 1600 that I got at Big Lots quite a while back. They rattle in the M*g. Plenty of room!
Energizer 1850 fit with room to spare.
Lenmar NoMem Pro 2000 are a snug fit.
Energizer 2100 are quite snug.
Now. I also visited Frys thinking about batteries and chargers and etc.
Commonly available there are: Lenmar 2000, Sanyo 2100, and several other lesser brands.
I only have 4 of most batteries except the Rayovac 1600 of which I have 6. I don't see Energizer 1850 anymore, just 2100 and up.
So what am I supposed to do about running some superbulb with 8aa in a 2D? Or even on running an 1185 on 9aa in a 3D? All the common batteries are getting fat and less able to give up big current!
For now I have 5 R1650 and a dummie (3/8" aluminum rod with eletrical tape to insulate it). Unloaded voltage is approx 6.4 or so, and it's driving a 4 cell Xenon M*g bulb. It's much whiter and tighter of spot than a G2 or PM6. But it is quite artifacty. More than EVER I want MOP reflectors!!!
Your thoughts on batteries and such?
Batteries 4 across in a standard M*g:
I have some Rayovac 1600 that I got at Big Lots quite a while back. They rattle in the M*g. Plenty of room!
Energizer 1850 fit with room to spare.
Lenmar NoMem Pro 2000 are a snug fit.
Energizer 2100 are quite snug.
Now. I also visited Frys thinking about batteries and chargers and etc.
Commonly available there are: Lenmar 2000, Sanyo 2100, and several other lesser brands.
I only have 4 of most batteries except the Rayovac 1600 of which I have 6. I don't see Energizer 1850 anymore, just 2100 and up.
So what am I supposed to do about running some superbulb with 8aa in a 2D? Or even on running an 1185 on 9aa in a 3D? All the common batteries are getting fat and less able to give up big current!
For now I have 5 R1650 and a dummie (3/8" aluminum rod with eletrical tape to insulate it). Unloaded voltage is approx 6.4 or so, and it's driving a 4 cell Xenon M*g bulb. It's much whiter and tighter of spot than a G2 or PM6. But it is quite artifacty. More than EVER I want MOP reflectors!!!
Your thoughts on batteries and such?