Random Thoughts on Hotrod M*gs....


Sep 4, 2002
Shepherd, TX (where dat?)
Home Depot has Black 2D M*gs for 12 bucks. So I grabbed one. Not having anything more than 3 EL 3-D and many assorted NimH, I began to test some things.

Batteries 4 across in a standard M*g:

I have some Rayovac 1600 that I got at Big Lots quite a while back. They rattle in the M*g. Plenty of room!

Energizer 1850 fit with room to spare.

Lenmar NoMem Pro 2000 are a snug fit.

Energizer 2100 are quite snug.

Now. I also visited Frys thinking about batteries and chargers and etc.

Commonly available there are: Lenmar 2000, Sanyo 2100, and several other lesser brands.

I only have 4 of most batteries except the Rayovac 1600 of which I have 6. I don't see Energizer 1850 anymore, just 2100 and up.

So what am I supposed to do about running some superbulb with 8aa in a 2D? Or even on running an 1185 on 9aa in a 3D? All the common batteries are getting fat and less able to give up big current!

For now I have 5 R1650 and a dummie (3/8" aluminum rod with eletrical tape to insulate it). Unloaded voltage is approx 6.4 or so, and it's driving a 4 cell Xenon M*g bulb. It's much whiter and tighter of spot than a G2 or PM6. But it is quite artifacty. More than EVER I want MOP reflectors!!!

Your thoughts on batteries and such?
Yes, well in many cases if I can't buy locally I can't buy period.

I posted about possibly flap honing the body inside, and may have to try just that. Because nothing under 2000 seems available locally.

Just in case though, post a link to those GP cells....
Okay. Looking here, we see that GP1700 GP1800 and GP2000 all measure 14.5mm.

We clearly understand that this can not be so.

Also the current draw ability is lessened with larger capacity...

If I can get cleared to order (gonna need 16 at the minimum) should I happily go for 1800,
or have a better battery with the 1700?
On a similar note, let's talk about my newest 2D for a minute.

Of what I ordered so far, the MC Switches are what I got. I also had a couple stock MC bulbs.

As I mentioned above I was running 5AA Rayovac NimH and a dummie against a potted 4 cell Xenon star. The result was a TIGHT spot with artifacty spill.

It was a SIMPLE matter to change the M*g to BP using a 5/64" allen key.

Now I have 6AA against a stock MC bulb. It is quite white, but will not EVEN focus as tight as the Xenon Star. The beam shape would work well at night, but is UGLY against a wall!!!

Now even using an Acrylite lense or Writeright, I would clearly go for the first combo with corrected output.

And come to think of it, the few times I tried MCs, I thought the beam left a LOT to be desired.... food for thought I guess.

When the Group buy bulbs come, I intend to run an 1160 on a stock MC stick. But I GOTTA have MOP reflector!!!

I thought the stock MC bulb had a pretty tight beam. If you don't like that, you might not like the superbulbs.

Only possible explanation Wilkey is I still have a plain M*g plastic reflector (short bursts only).

Besides, it seems possible that the extreme brightness from the Superbulbs will overcome the flaws to some extent... and I WILL have MOP reflectors come hell or high water!

Is 6AA against the stock MC bulb anywhere in the ball park as super goes?

And since you are here, what about the GP cells?

The stock MC bulb, even overdriven, is bright but not anywhere near superbulb performance. The humble 1160 toasts it, the 1318 and 1274 crush it and the 1185 is a step above that.

I have not tried GP cells but the newer ones look pretty good.

Suggest some AA that in a quantity of 16 minimum won't break my feeble bank account, and will fit 4 across???

I may need to order a 4AA-D to put with the 8AA-2D to drive an MR16 or something!
Energizer 2100s from Target. Or Panasonic 1950, 2100s from BJs wholesale club.

Hi bjn,
yup My daughter just started to enjoy playing with snow. I like ti better than the red and white X. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif


I was playing with the stock bulb tonight and overdriven, it makes a respectable amount of light. It's actually not bad at all. In fact, I lliked it so much, I installed it in my LumaPro rechargeable.

Update of sorts:

I put it back to 5AA+dummie and 4 cell Xenon. Better beam than what it had, but lacking "presence".

So I tried 6AA.... FLASH!

Put it back to MC bulb and 6AA. Somehow, this time the beam is better. As it gets close to a wall, it's a SOLID BRIGHT spot with good spill. At say 15' it has a spot with artifacts just ouside that and nice spill. Outside lighting up trees, roftops etc. it did a nice job.

So there IS hope!