Yeah, it's not very often that something of value pops up. Well, usually it's a wrench someone forgot to put back in their box/bag, and within a week they claim their tool. We often have visitors that come and go through the plant, either in the form of customers or auditors. I suspect this light came from the latter, and they simply never bothered to try and get it back.
Got the story on that black minimag. My father was down in Kentucky during the mid to late 1990s, visiting a family member at a hospital. Some more family wound up visiting at the same time, one of which worked for the Eagle Building Products company. Apparently he had a few in his vehicle, and chose to give one to my father. During it's use over the next decade or so, it's said that the light was holy reliable, and only replaced/set aside when newer and better technology came along. Fast forward to today, and now it lives comfortably in my display of all things neat.