Rat Shack LEDs for mods....


Sep 4, 2002
Shepherd, TX (where dat?)
Thinking of modding my Solitaire and 2AA Mini Mag.

Found info on both at a website. What I'd like to know is are there any LEDs at Rat Shack that meet the requirements?

A 3mm was mentioned for the Solitaire, and a 5mm for the MM. The 3mm Soiltaire used a sub aaa cell of 12v. The MM used a combo of aa and something else (don't have the info right here).

Also are there any good ones for 2-4 cell D Mags? I saw and read how to convert regular pr bulbs to LED but could use info from someone who's actually done it. I can Dremel and solder pretty good.
Last I checked, Radio Shack's selection of LED's were not very bright. Paul Wilcoxson at http://www.whitelightled.com is one fairly inexpensive source for small quantities of white Nichia's. Might send him an email first though just to make sure he's currently accepting orders.

Also, in case you've not checked out the mods page here yet, you probably should. Lot's of great info.
Tried my hand at modding an old, early version of the Brinkmann micromax (I think that's what it is). Bought a 5mm white LED from Radio Shack, 2600 mcd, 100 Deg. viewing angle, made in China. It was a disappointment. There is a very distinct blue ring present. Used a 10 ohm resistor in conjunction with the 12v battery.

I hope to buy some of the high output Nichias with the narrow viewing angle soon (25 Deg.). Might try the superbrightled folks.