Chris M.
Flashlight Enthusiast
Does this ring a bell with anyone? I had a web site visitor write and ask me if I knew this one, but alas I don`t. Apparently they were on sale in California during the late 80s/early 90s, and look like they belong on the front of a bicykle.
Know the little cube shaped lights that are occasionally seen in Star Trek: the Next Generation? A Ready-Alert Palm Light is the "guts" of those lights, and this is the reason he seeks one - to help out a friend who deals in TV/movie props who has the shell of the Star Trek light but no insides. Apparently there are only 3 of those props left in the whole world!
So, can anyone help?
Know the little cube shaped lights that are occasionally seen in Star Trek: the Next Generation? A Ready-Alert Palm Light is the "guts" of those lights, and this is the reason he seeks one - to help out a friend who deals in TV/movie props who has the shell of the Star Trek light but no insides. Apparently there are only 3 of those props left in the whole world!
So, can anyone help?