Rechargable Surefires?


Newly Enlightened
Jul 24, 2002
How are they compared to ones with replaceable batteries? How are they for battery life and number of recharges? I own several nonrechargeable Surefires and was debating the rechargable ones.

Surefire has had a lot of battery problems lately...I would hand over fist recommend one of the Streamlight rechargeables much quicker than a Surefire. Now with Lithiums, Surefire is the best. Go check out the Ultrastinger. Probably the Best recharable on the market. Do a search here for Ultrastinger under General flashlight and headlamp catagory...

Sincerely, Bushman
To give details of application, it will be used by an MP in Afganistan. He will be working from his Hum Vee most of the time and it will probably see much more regular use the any of mine do. Bet is on and off every night for a minute or two at a time and maybe a dozen to twenty times a night.
Some serious suggestions.

While I don't know exactly what he will be doing in Afganastan, I would be betting that it would be serious work with the potential for the unexpected to arise any second. I would want powerful and reliable.

If he is not doing hours and hours of walking, I would go for the big guns, and choose the Streamlight SL35X. While rated at 40,000 CP, and the UltraStinger is rated at 75,000, it has a 20 watt light bulb / 100 hour life, as opposed to the UltraStinger's 10 watt, 30 hour bulb. Overall, this sucker puts out the light!


If the weight is too much (2.8 lbs), he can get the SL20X (1.9 lbs) and put a SL35X bulb in the SL20X. It doesn't sound like run time will be a problem, as he will be recharging it in the car. Same amount of light, just a smaller battery, and shorter run time (I confirmed with Streamlight that this combo is an approved combination!)

I would also get one of thes big spotlights, like a 2,000,000 CP hand held rechargable. My favorite is the Optronics. Again, a 40 minute run time, but with a "base" vehicle always nearby, recharges are not a problem.

I would also recommend a smaller light, such as the Stinger, or Stinger HP, for times when he does not need as much light.

Of course many, many backup bulbs!

I would also cary a very small, but long running light as a EDC backup light, should he be away from his vehicle for 5 minutes, and not grab a light, and all of a sudden, need a light.

Also get belt carriers for the lights.

Everyone raves about SureFire (and rightly so!), but many (millions?) of Law Enforcement use Streamlights daily.

The UltraStinger, SL20x, SL35X, Stinger series, and Scorpions are used by law inforcement all over the country.
BuddTX, you forgot to mention that you can also run an Optronics 12V model directly from the DC cigarette lighter, thereby saving battery runtime for portable use situations.

You are absolutely correct!

ALSO, I forgot to mention that the 12 volt battery is easily replaced, so you could have several charged up.

I was at work, and I didn't have time to elaborate on the Streamlight post.

You know, everyone "ooohhs" and "ahhhhs" over Surefire, and that is a well deserved compliment. These lights are some of the best and most perfectly designed lights there are, and the beam quality is perfection.

But for an untold number of the vast majority of LEO's, they cary Streamlights, and they are dependable, and durable and reliable.

I was telling my next door neighbor about SureFire, and he is a Houston PD, working the night shift (his regular beat) in a bad part of Houston, and he listened for a while, but he wants to stick with his Streamlight SL-20x. He was telling me how reliable and durable it is, and how his bulb has never broke or burned out (he said that he realises that ALL bulbs burn out, so he wouldn't hold it against Streamlight if one day his bulb did burn out), and that he has to "remember" to PM his light to change the bulb once or twice a year.

This guy litterly depends on his light with his life, and he is happy with his decision. Who am I to tell him that SureFire is better?

OK, they don't have the "beam perfection" that SureFire has, but it is a solid, quality beam, with "insignifagant" rings and shadows, and puts out very useable light.

I really like the idea of an SL-20x with an SL-35x bulb, especially if you are going to be in a patrol "hum-vee".

I was also going to suggest that he EDC an ARC AAA (for when he might be camaflouged, and need to use a small, tiny, "personal" light that won't cary hundreds of yards.

I would also want to EDC a SureFire 6P or E2 or M2 with a couple of extra lithium's as a backup.
Be very careful when installing a 12v charger in a military vehicle. Many military vehicles (Hum Vee??) have 24v systems. There might be a 12v source somewhere. Can anyone clarify this???