Rechargeable 123 burns out 6P bulb


Newly Enlightened
Feb 7, 2005
North Carolina
Stopped in at Battery Plus yesterday to pick up a rebuilt battery pack for my signal meter and noticed they had 123 rechargeable batteries and a charger set with home and auto chargers. Brought it home and charged the first set up and tried the light and /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif light came on for 1/2 sec fried the bulb. Anyone had this problem? What are the mAh rating on normal 123 batteries? The markings on the battery case are ICR 17335 650mAh 3.7v
You should be looking at the voltage instead of the mAh in this case. Putting in two R123 in a 6P results in a total voltage of more than the required 6V for a P60/P61 bulb.

If your cells are freshly charged, in your case the total voltage could be (4.2v x 2) = 8.4v! That explains why your bulb was fried in 1/2 sec.

You should use a P90/P91 instead in your 6P.
Those are also bare cells. I think the ones they have were to ones I had made up and completed in February of last year. The only thing they have in them are short protection. I could have been selling those things for a year and chose not to.

2 of these will run a 9volt light. Way to much power for a standard 6volt lamp.
I would only use them in lights that will protect the battery since they are bare cells like the HDS lights.
there is a kind of Ni-MH rechargeable battery, CR123A size, 2.9V(two NI-MH cells), 500mah, this is suitable for your 6P, and more safety.
wei said:
there is a kind of Ni-MH rechargeable battery, CR123A size, 2.9V(two NI-MH cells), 500mah, this is suitable for your 6P, and more safety.

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Where did you get them? How long do they run in 6P?
I can tell you that using two of those batteries and running a P90 bulb is a GREAT combo. One of my favorite lights due to being small (only 2 cells required) and being bright /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

i can buy this in china, i don't know if this sales in US. try search.
this is how it looks like:
Glockboy and Will,
That's the first I've read of anyone suggesting running a P90 on two of Jon's 4.2V 123R's! What a great idea! You'd have a 9P in a 6P/G2/G2Z package and should be a lot brighter than even using a P61.
I am using them in a silver pelican M6 (so I don't get confused) with the P90 has worked fine so far.
Topper /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
3V CR123A --1300mah (generally)
if you want to use 16340 Li-on in your 6P, buy a P90
if you want to use 17670 Li-on in your 6P, buy a 3.7V wolfeye lamp.
Gene said:
Glockboy and Will,
That's the first I've read of anyone suggesting running a P90 on two of Jon's 4.2V 123R's! What a great idea! You'd have a 9P in a 6P/G2/G2Z package and should be a lot brighter than even using a P61.

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Project C2-90 did it, first generation protected JSB R123 cells. You do get rated output from the P90, however, the P61 is still a little brighter.

I recommend metal lights if you want to be able to do complete discharges of up to 25-30 minutes, they get SERIOUSLY hot, hence my use of a C2.
Since clyons inquiry has been answered, I'll continue with the 123R/P90 discussion as I won't be hijacking his thread.

Hi Kevin. Thanks for link and I missed that but of course it's a full time job just keeping up with what goes on here. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif So your're saying the 2X4.2V 123R's using a P90 ISN'T as bright as using the P61? Then the main advantage with this 2x123R/P90 conversion is that you can use the 123 4.2V rechargeables?
Yup, you're right - sleep for a couple of days and you've missed all the good stuff on CPF. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif it's great to have a community as active as this one, but it makes keeping up with them a little difficult.

The Surefire P90 on its 'intended configuration' - 3xCR123 - is only 105 lumens, whereas the P61 as it was intended to be run is 120 lumens. You're right, the main advantage is that the P90 is friendly towards 2xR123. I think of it as offering just a little bit more runtime (25-30 min in my experience) than the P61 while packing a serious punch in a 2-cell 123 light.
Thanks Kevin. I'm going to go ahead and try it using a G2 with a G2Z head that I'm now running a P61 in. I know it'll get hot but I can't imagine it getting much hotter than using the P61 and I don't think the Nitrolon will melt. We'll see! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/help.gif
Absolutely. The P90 and P91 will both melt the polycarbonate window. I found that out the hard way. I'm not sure if the head will deform, but you will eventually see a round distortion develop within the polycarbonate. It was not designed for the higher output LA's. At least get a G2Z Bezel instead. It has the Pyrex window and the Nitrolon shell. However, If you plan on using the P91, I would strongly suggest getting the M2 Bezel. Pyrex window, HA aluminum head with cooling fins. (If you don't mind it being aluminum)
Both of my G2's have glass lenses, in fact one is the G2Z bezel with the Pyrex. I wouldn't even think of trying the P90/2X4.2V R123's with a Lexan lens. I know it'll get very hot but I'm pretty sure the Nitrolon can take 5-10 minute blasts. I'm waiting for the P90 LA and I'll try it out and see what happens and report back.