Rechargeable 123 options, how many mA?


Oct 12, 2004
Western Australia
Where can I buy an appropriate rechargeable CR123 size battery with a charger that can handle 240V for use in my single cell KL4 (TW4)?
Re: Rechargeable 123 options

Or you could try out Battery Station's R123. There have been some good feedback.
Thank you Billy and Bill, I'm going for the nano charger.
JSB seems to always have trouble getting stock, and the Battery Station appear to have an overseas order phobia....
BTW is 700mA the highest for R123's?
How many mAH are the 14500's, and Pila/Wolfeyes 150s, 150a, 168s, 168a?

answer my own question:
14500 850mAH
150S 1000mAH
150A 1200mAH
168S 1400mAH
168A 2000mAH
Rikvee...You can get 123 charger and R123 from ... The battery from Jaycar is the same as the ones from JSB but the Jaycar ones has a nicer build quality. Oh btw the Jaycar's 123 charger can only charge 1 battery at a time.
i just bought 2 sets of these (cm.kitCR123)last friday and recieved them today, they charged pretty quick and didn't get hot, only warm, im not sure if they are protected or of their capacity though, maybe someone here can tell. the charger is 240V 50Hz which is what u use in australia, i believe.
/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink2.gif Amonra!
You're right, Australia has 240V, (sometimes 245!) at 50 Hz.
A lot of electrical gear is marketed as 230V, half-way between European 220V and UK, AUS, NZ 240V.
I guess a protected charger does not charge above 4.2V, while a charger for protected batteries can charge with voltages above that, 'cause the battery won't pass that on when it's used.
Can anyone confirm that?
On the rechargable 123's it is not a matter of stock but getting the batteries right. The protected ones out there now I believe are only short circuit protected. What I am doing is the full suite of protection. Overcharge, Overdischarge, Overamperage, and Shorcircuit protection.

The batch I have now will be tested and if all is good. These will be released.
hi Jon Sidney B, I tried to buy from you but u only accept paypal which is not available for Malta /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif
rikvee said:
half-way between European 220V and UK, AUS, NZ 240V.

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Europe doesen't have 220V, they changed to 230V a long time ago.
Thank you Spacemarine! Western Australia is notorious for it's over-the-top mains voltages.
We have really big minesites in our state, and when they switch things around, we sometimes go over 250V.
I run valve (tube) amplifiers that are already maxed out and the extra voltage pops their little fuses...

JSB, thank you for your care in getting these batts right!
rikvee said:
thanks bajaiman, looked up Jaycar, their batts are 600mA, are they unprotected?

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Rik...they're protected...
Thank you bajaiman, I wonder if these 600mAH cells from Jaycar are safe in late versions ARC-LSH's, or do I need the 3V ones from JSBurly's?

JSB, I'd love to buy a 168a and a 168s as well as a 3.7v globe
Rik...freshly charged R123 from Jaycar is about 4V (similar to JSBs). I haven't got any ARC's torches so I can't give you any comment whether or not you can you it for ARC's torches.
I am one of those using the BatteryStation rechargables and charger on a 1xcell Vital Gear body with the KL4 head, and like others, I can report that these rechargables work great in this combo /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Out of the charger, my 3 cells came out at 4.18, 4.19, and 4.19 volts each.

I just got two of the 'nano' chargers in the mail yesterday and they are just adorable.. i don't know how 'smart' they charge, but will do a test soon.. they really can't be topped for convenience so if they are good 'guts' inside they are the bomb.. if the guts suck i'll swap it out and have a linear tech charger that is the bomb and tiny.
