Rechrage system canon cr123


Newly Enlightened
Mar 21, 2004
Email them and ask what the voltage is of the battery off the charger. My guess is 3.8V~4.2V. If thats the case then I wouldn't use it in those flashlights.
Is there a bit problem with a few more volts with flashlights??? like the normal cr123 is 3.6v so its only an increase of .4 to 1.2V. would it do THAT much damage???
Hello LoveCraft,

A CR-123 starts off at around 3.2 - 3.3 volts and quickly drops to under 3.0 volts under load.

A R-CR123 starts off at 4.2 volts and drops to 3.7 volts under load.

This results in blown lamps and circuits, but sometimes you can get away with it.

Do you feel lucky? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
