Recommend me a 3AAA 3watt luxeon


Aug 14, 2004
Edmonton, Canada
i m finding one that is regulated but so far all i had seen is unregulated... buget around $40. Will increase buget if very intrested in the torch /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Does it absolutely have to be 3AA? The Elektrolumens XM-3 (reviewed on that page) is 2AA but is a regulated Lux 3. It's price is stated as $39.99 at the bottom of the review, so you'd be exactly on shipping charges.
juz bought from pick easy

3watt luxeon. although i read past post that it has an greenish tint and its not so good.

But it works much better than expected! The colour is whiter or slightly blueish tint from my SL JR luxeon which is very good and has more throw compaired to SL's JR luxeon. Using 3AAA batteries and has nice machining works.

The only bad point is that there is something loose with the battery carrier but i fixed it by clipping it back into place...

i would rate it 7.5/10! Only thing needed is a regulator!
I have one from pickeasy and mine is not at all green. Sort of bluish as noted above. I also picked up the rechargeable 123A batteries and charger and it blows my pila setup away as far as runtime is concerned. My only problem is that I am sort of a gadget junkie, and sites like his only fuel my habit. I guess there's no cure in site /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif.

I am not sure what your goal is for "regulated" or not for a 3 x AAA. Just MHO, but most converters need at least 1 V of headroom above the LED Vf in order to be useful, or you are just as well to use a resistored light. With 3 x AAA, you will be lucky to have > 0.5 V above the typical Vf of a Lux III, especially if it is reverse battery protected.

I would spend the extra money on good batteries with a flast discharge curve.
"regulation" of a sort is gained by using NiMH cells.

Best example I can come up with is using a 3 cell bulb in a 4 cell light. Initial brightness goes to alkalines, but the overall winner is by far NiMH.

Certainly the AAA NiMH cells aren't super capacity, but running semi regulated for free can't be overlooked!
I've got an extra ALX, modded to lux III with two-stge switch by 4sevens. Works great with three NiMH AAA. No tail clickie though...PM for more info. Please excuse if this should be in B/S/T, but appears relevant here and not officially for sale yet.
PlayboyJoeShmoe said:
"regulation" of a sort is gained by using NiMH cells.

Best example I can come up with is using a 3 cell bulb in a 4 cell light. Initial brightness goes to alkalines, but the overall winner is by far NiMH.

Certainly the AAA NiMH cells aren't super capacity, but running semi regulated for free can't be overlooked!

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Its capacity is catching up slowly... currently available is the 950mAH series!
AbnerCadaver said:
I have one from pickeasy and mine is not at all green. Sort of bluish as noted above. I also picked up the rechargeable 123A batteries and charger and it blows my pila setup away as far as runtime is concerned. My only problem is that I am sort of a gadget junkie, and sites like his only fuel my habit. I guess there's no cure in site /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif.


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i noted that power is still running even if you switched it off. Go to a dark room and see if the luxeon is producing a very faint glow. If it is, you hav to DIY to fix the tailcap problem...
I fixed mine already