Recommend me an EDC Lep for max 50m throw but big hotspot?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 16, 2008
So I love the idea of having a super bright hotspot that only really throws out to 50m with the lep style of beam. I think if the hotspot is big enough it would be fairly practical for close up work on a low output, like lighting up an engine bay during the day to see that black coloured hose by the firewall easier.

Is is the optic that changes the beam profile on these, or is it down the the diode size, as I understand lasers output their photons in a straight line without scattering, but it has to be edc friendly so 14500 ideally.

Is there anything like this yet? Or do they all throw that intense tight beam 300m away.
Unfortunately a wide-beam LEP doesn't exist yet.
Hopefully one day, it will.
Wouldn't something like hCRI LED with a 10º TIR lens do about the same thing?
A LEP-light is definitely not hCRI by default, so if you need to distinguish black against black, you would want something with good colour rendering.

Try a Sofirn IF22A as a cheap intro to see whether it does what you want it to.
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Wouldn't something like hCRI LED with a 10º TIR lens do about the same thing?
A LEP-light is definitely not hCRI by default, so if you need to distinguish black against black, you would want something with good colour rendering.

Try a Sofirn IF22A as a cheap intro to see whether it does what you want it to.
Your probably right, I have lots of triple and quad tir flashlights and they all are very floody, I need to find a single emitter flashlight with tir then. The soften you linked looks the right beam profile just way too powerful and fairly large for edc. Must find a 14500 sized single emitter with spot tir, high is always nice to have edc too
You might be looking for a small zoomy
Are there any good ones, last I saw one it was a cheap plastic thing that threw out a square die shaped beam. Ideally want something towards the premium end of flashlights if I'm going to edc it daily
Are there any good ones, last I saw one it was a cheap plastic thing that threw out a square die shaped beam.
I think we've all tried one of those horrible things at one point or another...

For a zoomable option, try a Sofirn S11C

Bought one as a gift for afriend of mine, and it was surprisingly good.
18650 format though. And punching "14500 zoom light" into Google just gave me a bunch of brand names I have never heard of.
First thing I thought of was an Acebeam L17, mainly because it's the only TIR I have.

From your wants, as others have said, a TIR light does sound like the way to go. It's a nice halfway point between your typical LED "hotspot with halo" and the really narrow beam of a LEP.

"An" LEP?

Ahem. Even on a low setting, LEPs are really intense for up-close work. The little Maratac that I scored is still a little too bright for arms-length work, and it's just a lil' baby compared to some of the Units on the market.

Does the L17 reach out to 50 meters? I have no idea. Most of my stuff is inside a building, and it throws far enough to read the fronts of electrical boxes above the false ceiling.

FWIW, I find that a good "working distance" Lumens is anything between 50 at the low, and 250 at the high, which is a little much in a dark room, but if you have a strong overhead glare, you may need it.

50 Lumens converts to (very) roughly 525 Candela.

If I'm being honest, and it's practical, you may want to just carry two lights.....
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If I'm being honest, and it's practical, you may want to just carry two lights.....
That is what I do at work. Fenix LR35R for output power, plus a Fireflies PL47 mule for hCRI close-up work.
With a recent addition being a pocketable Wurkkos FC11C as a middle-ground light that can do both of those things, but neither as good.

"An" LEP?
*shrugs* I guess that depends on the preferred pronunciation. "A" LEP, if you say it in one word (which I do), making the "L" verbally a Consonant, and "an" if you say the individual letters, "Ell Ee Pee", making it a Vowel. It's one of those veritably grammatical conundrums. :unsure:

Both things goes, I'd say, so I'm inclined to accept either spelling.

But English is my second language, so I could be wrong about all of it. ^^
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Still playing with the Maratac Galaxy LEP. Micro Laser Flashlight (18350)
50 meters.. is not much for an LEP.

I have to put a few things straight: there are no LEPs with a wide beam? It depends on what you mean with wide beam.
Check out the Weltool W3 Pro Tac, (which is big, but has a wider beam than normal LEPs)
hmmm I was still typing.

Anyway.. the Weltool W3 Plus is another.. you can get a short battery tube for it..

But it's not something you are probably looking for.
Also, low modes... still have a very intense beam.

The Acebeam W35 has a digital zoom that widens the beam. There are also some zoomy LEPs that could fit.. but none ar the size of an 14500 flashlight.

The smallest LEP is currently the Lumintop Thor Mini
At we've done over 60 LEP flashlight reviews.. so I would definitely start with reading some reviews, before deciding upon anything. Here's the full list:

Like other people mentioned... you likely only need an LED flashlight for your specific use case