Well, since there's a hope of it not being 8 deg. out soon, I'll be getting back into a regular walking sked with Lucy. So I decided a *good* headlamp is in order. Hard to manage a hand light when you gotta pick up the usual, etc.
Don't want incan due to <runtime and bulb vulnerability.
What could you all recommend.. from personal experience? Geek factor and what others think is unimportant. Want to avoid AAA's like the plague though. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon15.gif I'm good with the rest of our addiction but no headlamp experience at all... never even laid eyes on one yet in the flesh.
Thanks all,
(moderator move this if it should be in LED forum) (?)
Don't want incan due to <runtime and bulb vulnerability.
What could you all recommend.. from personal experience? Geek factor and what others think is unimportant. Want to avoid AAA's like the plague though. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon15.gif I'm good with the rest of our addiction but no headlamp experience at all... never even laid eyes on one yet in the flesh.
Thanks all,
(moderator move this if it should be in LED forum) (?)