Recommended budget-priced C-cell General-use ??


Newly Enlightened
Oct 12, 2004
Greetings from an ex-lurker turned newbie poster /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I have an abundance of C-Cell NiMH batteries (purchased for my son's baby toys that he has recently outgrown). Since I have invested in them and many just sit on my shelf (as opposed to my AAA and AA that I can't keep any charged spares due to demand) I was thinking they would be suited for some good flashlights to keep around the house (and take camping).

The best option I have been able to come up with on my own is the Streamlight TwinTask 3C (currently $27.50/shipped free from Amazon). Before I go ahaead and "pull the trigger" on the order, I thought I would get some ideas from the gurus of all things flashlight here /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif

Is this a good price and a good light? Any other suggestions/options for C-Cell lights (the LED/Xenon hybrid combo intrigues me - I am a "best bang for my buck" kinda guy!)

Thanks for ANY input/opinions!
Oh, hey, Scoob.
I have a bunch of C cell lights. Your choice for the Streamlight is right on. It is one of the first suggestions that comes to mind. That is a pretty good price, too.

You might also look that the Streamlight ProPolymer 3C in both the LED and Xenon versions.
Comparatively, you should look at several offerings by Pelican and Koehler Birght Star (Responder). All of those are very rugged and budget priced.
The 3C Twin-Task is my go-to light when you REALLY need dependable, LONG lasting light. It also makes a good head whacker in a tight spot.

Very versatile, with the 3/6 LEDs, and the Xenon.

Great choice.
elektro lumens ft 3c. good throw and build quality. it is out of stock right now. the price is a bit higher than the twintask though
Re: Recommended budget-priced C-cell General-use ?

TT3C is good stuff!

You might wish to check out the 3CXP Xenon/LED light. It is mostly plastic, so not quite the head knocker.

But it has WAY more throw than the TT in Xenon mode, and has seperate switchs for the 3 LEDs and the Xenon. I kinda like it myself!
Re: Recommended budget-priced C-cell General-use ?

I'd tend to agree on the TT 3C also. Great all purpose light. Apart from that, you could also look at the Pelican 2020 Sabrelite Led, it uses 3C cells, and is one of the brightest lights around. I'm not sure about NiMh on this light, though...
Re: Recommended budget-priced C-cell General-use ?

Welcome to CPF scoobmaster, and why dontcha stay awhile!
Glad to hear from ya. I think there's consensus on the TT3C, but the FT3C from Elektrolumens is much nicer and sharp lookin' but as reptilezs notes, more dinero.

welcome again,
Re: Recommended budget-priced C-cell General-use ?

Thanks for all the responses! Based on what I am reading here - I am going to order one today. (This could lead to being a "flash-a-holic" /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif ) I have always been a gizmo/gadget lover and a fan of "getting a better flashlight". I participate in many online forums/discussion boards geared toward my various interests, so I knew it was only a matter of time until I found one dealing with flashlights /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

BTW, anyone have a general interest in other forms of lighting? I ask because I am actively pursuing getting brighter/better (but STREET LEGAL) headlights on my woefully ineptly-lighted Grand Caravan (big discussion about that in a Chrysler forum).

Anyway - thanks for the input and the warm welcome! I am glad to be here!
Re: Recommended budget-priced C-cell General-use ?

Be welcome, and be warned...the TT3C was the light that got me hooked as well. I think you will be happy with it. The thing I love the most is that after it sat for a while and the batteries got too low to power the xenon bulb, the LEDs are still putting out as bright a light as ever.
Re: Recommended budget-priced C-cell General-use ?

Less expensive, waterproof, throwmeisters, with very tight spots are the 3C KBS Responder, Pelican SuperSabre and Hubble ; the SL ProPoly 3C is good too. Get the TT-3C AND one of the inexpensive, conventional incans.

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