Red flashing traffic wand/flashlight--where??


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 30, 2002
Old Bay City, CA
I went to a club the other night in LA and the parking lot guys had red-flashing cylindrical flashlight/wands about 2 feet long. Looked like they maybe had two rows of LED's or some other kind of bulbs, perhaps 8-10 bulbs total. Anyone know where such things can be obtained?

Quartermaster Uniforms has a flashlight that fits your description.

- Click on "Shop LawPro";
- Go to the "Equipment/Accessories" section;
- Scan down to "Flashlights." Click on "LawPro LED Light Baton."

It is described as a "the most visible flashlight signal light available." The description says it has 20 "highly luminous LED bulbs" that can be seen for up to 3/4 of a mile away. It operates on 2 "D" batteries, providing a minimum of 300 hours of continuous flashing operation. It is made of high impact ABS plastic - $24.95.

Hope this helps.

Just a follow-up post and mini-review (sorry no pic). I received the Lawpro LED Baton Light this morning and found it to be quite a good emergency flashing light/traffic wand. I ordered it from ($24.95). It consists of a 13.5" red baton enclosing 20 red LED's attached to a black ABS plastic 8" handle with a 3 position rocker switch and holding 2 D cells. You can set it for continuous on or strobing at 150 flashes per minute. The LED's are reasonably bright and my observation of it in use by some traffic cops recently was striking enough that I decided to purchase one for use instead of standard red emergency flares in my truck and on my boats. Claimed battery life is 300 hours in strobe mode.